воскресенье, 23 сентября 2012 г.

Stem cells don't restore heart at adults

These researches of scientists from Kornelsky university and university of Bonn say that stem cells and in the truth can replace dead fabrics of heart after heart attack at early age, but the same cages lose this regenerative ability at adults. Research which led on mice, showed that not differentiated cages predecessors promote creation of new cells of heart at two-day mice, but not at adult individuals, having settled long-term dispute that stem cells can play a part in restoration of heart of an adult mammal after a heart attack in which because of blocking of an artery heart fabrics perish.
«But existence of these cages at adults remains disputable if adults have quite capable stem cells why after a heart attack there are no new cages? Whether it in the absence of stem cells or something special in a heart attack which ингибирует stem cells in formation of new cells of heart, remains a question in which we decided to be engaged, using that newborn mice have same cages», the leading author of work Michael Kotlikoff declared. Kotlikoff and his colleagues found out that at two-day mice new cells of heart were created and almost completely recovered from a heart attack, proving that the trauma doesn't interfere with stem cells in creation of new cells of heart. The same procedure was carried out on adult mice, but there any new cells of heart wasn't formed, confirming that adult individuals have no necessary stem cells for creation of new cells of heart which are called миоцитами while new cages of blood vessels continued to be formed. The stem cells found in heart of adult individuals «lost possibility to become cells of heart, and are capable to form only new vessels», Kotlikoff speaks. Unary stem cells are differentiated in all fabrics at the beginning of life, but eventually these cages become "intellectually limited" or specializes in formation of only a certain fabric.

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