понедельник, 22 октября 2012 г.

EKO increases risk of developmental anomalies at a fruit

Children conceived as a result of ekstrakorporalny fertilisation (EKO), have considerably bigger risk to be born with congenital defects in comparison with conceived by a natural way. In particular it concerns organs of vision, cardiovascular and urinogenital systems. Such data, ScienceDaily reports, are provided in work of experts from university of the State of California (Los Angeles), presented on October 20 at national conference of the American academy of pediatrics (AAP) passing in New Orleans.
Authors of research made the conclusions on the basis of data on 50 820 children who were born in California - the state of the USA where EKO application - in 2006-2007 is especially widespread. 46 025 from them were conceived by a natural way, and 4795 - by means of EKO. At collection of information the age and racial accessory of mother, total of childbirth at it, use of various auxiliary reproductive techniques by it, including medicinal stimulation of an ovulation, and also date of birth and a sex of the child, a way of its conception and presence of developmental anomalies were considered. For research children with approximately close parent demographic data were selected. As a result it was established that with various congenital defects 3 463 children were born. The comparative statistical analysis showed that among conceived by means of EKO developmental anomalies meet considerably more often than at conceived in the usual way - 9 percent against 6,6 percent. And in particular this overweight concerns organs of vision - 0,3 percent against 0,2 percent, hearts - 5 percent against 3 percent and urinogenital system - 1,5 percent against 1 percent. In total the probability of congenital developmental anomalies at "children from a test tube" appeared in 1,25 times higher, than at "heteros". As it is noted in the report, so obvious interrelation between congenital defects and application of reproductive technologies is revealed only for EKO, for other techniques promoting a fertilnost some appreciable results weren't received. The reasons of such phenomenon aren't studied yet. According to the data sounded in July, 2012 on the 28th annual congress of ESHRE (The European society on problems of a reproduction of the person and an embriologiya), since July, 1978 in the world, at least, five million "children from a test tube" were born. Among world regions in which reproductive technologies are actively applied, Europe, and among the countries - the USA and Japan is in the lead. The experimental technique of treatment of infertility - ekstrakorporalny fertilisation - was developed by the British doctors Robert Edwards (Robert Edwards) and Patrick Steptou (Patric Steptoe). Louise Brown who was born on July 25, 1978 became the first child, born thanks to this procedure. Now procedures of auxiliary reproductive technologies include, besides EKO, an intratsitoplazmatichesky injection of a spermatozoon in an oocyte (IKSI), and also some other techniques.

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