вторник, 24 июля 2012 г.

Stem cells will receive from uterine pipes

The Brazilian scientists suggested to use the fabrics received at amputation of a uterus, for receiving stem cells, reports the Air Force. Work of experts from São Paulo University (University of Sao Paulo) was published in The Journal of Translational Medicine.

Researchers could allocate and multiply on a nutrient medium multipotentny stem cells from fabrics of uterine pipes which leave together with a uterus or at surgical sterilization. Further these stem cells can be used for receiving hryashchevy, bone, fatty and muscular fabrics.

According to researchers, opening can be used for development of new methods of treatment of such diseases as arthritis, and also as a source of mezenkhimny stem cells. These cages will help with studying of mechanisms of development of infertility at women.

The previous researches showed possibility of receiving multipotentny stem cells from various fabrics of an organism (fatty, muscular, hryashchevy, bone and others). Making comments on work of the Brazilian scientists, the employee of Royal college of London (Kings College London) Stefen Minger (Stephen Minger) noted its ethical value. However he added that receiving stem cells from a fatty fabric or a marrow is more available and less travmatichny for the person.

Controllable clinical researches

Use of an umbilical blood in the future while vaguely. There is a number of promising researches, but the checked ways of treatment with use of an umbilical blood are described here. The bank of the umbilical blood, declaring that he knows precisely how stem cells in the future will be used, isn't honest with you.
Stem cells can recycle heart after the suffered heart attack

1. Treatment Potential treatment of illnesses of heart is based on ability of stem cells to restore a pericardium.
2. A cellular injection Stem cells are entered through a catheter into heart directly right after a heart attack or when heart very much weakened and became inactive to swing blood properly.
3. New life Results show that stem cells can treat the damaged fabrics but while there is no confidence of, whether there are stem cells cells of the adult person or they stimulate division and regeneration of already existing cells of heart.

On March 18 2011 — Researchers of stem cells showed for the first time that the stem cells entered into increased heart, reduced its volume, a cicatricial fabric and improved functioning of the struck sites of heart. The received results of the small experiment which has been carried out in Interdistsiplinarn institute of stem cells (Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute) at Miami university, Miller's (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) medical school, are published on March 17 in Circulation Research release: Journal of the American Heart Association.?? “Even at early stages of this research,” Joshua M. Her, the senior head of research and director Interdistsiplinarnogo of institute of stem cells speaks, ”its results sound is promising for more than five

million Americans with the increased heart because of the suffered heart attack.” Such patients are subject to risk of premature death, are invalid and need frequent hospitalization. Traditionally treatment is carried out in two directions — lifelong acceptance of drugs and surgical intervention, for example, a heart transplantation.

On October 12 2010: Scientists declared on Monday that they entered into Friday stem cells to the patient with the damaged spinal cord, having given that began to first-ever clinical research of therapy by stem cells of a human embryo.

The patient was on treatment in Shepherd Center, the center of violations back and a brain in Atlanta.

In spite of the fact that the experience which is carried out by Geron Corp. Menlo Park, California, was at early stages — on purpose to investigate treatment about its safety — this event represents the first step in research of embryonic stem cells, this corporation already for many years studied cellular potential in treatment of damages back могзга, diabetes and a number of neurodegenerate diseases.

The bone can do of fat

The American scientists developed an improbable method of restoration of a bone fabric. They allocated stem cells from a fatty fabric and grew up from them a bone.
Methods of restoration of a bone fabric which are used now, are imperfect. Scientists managed to create a new reliable method of cultivation of a bone from the stem cells received from a fatty fabric.

Scientists hope that for restoration of a bone fabric the doctor will need to receive a fatty fabric of the patient, to allocate stem cells and to place them there where it is necessary to grow up a bone.

Unlike traditional methods which are used for restoration of the bones, the new method allows to grow up a bone in short terms and more quality.

среда, 18 июля 2012 г.

Introduction of cages of an umbilical blood promotes restoration after a stroke

The cages of an umbilical blood entered intravenously get into a brain, migrate and improve a functional condition after the suffered stroke. To such conclusion the group of researchers after experiments on rats at whom the ischemic stroke was simulated came. In 7 days after introduction of human cages considerable improvement of behavioural parameters of animals was noted. Human cages got into the struck site of a brain of rats and appeared are capable to be differentiated in nervous cages. According to the conclusion of authors, transplantation of cages of an umbilical blood can find application in treatment of the patients who have had a stroke.

Stem cells of an umbilical blood are capable to restore an eye fabric

The umbilical blood contains a significant amount of the cages predecessors, capable to form new blood vessels. In the work published in the Circulation Research magazine (2003, 93:e51-62), svezhevydelenny cages of an umbilical blood entered into a muscle operating movement of an eye (at mice). Formation of new vessels and new muscular fibers was as a result observed. Similar properties of cages of an umbilical blood remained and after their additional reproduction in culture. The obtained data showed high plasticity of cages of an umbilical blood and possibility of their application for transplantation at ophthalmologic violations.

Physicians use the best efforts, that stem cells found application quicker. And whether any real help is possible from society?

In discussion take part:

The academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of Institute of experimental cardiology Kardiokompleksa of MZ Russian Federation in Moscow, professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Smirnov.

The doctor of medical sciences, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the head of office of chemotherapy гемобластозов and transplantations of a marrow of the Gematologichesky Russian Academy of Medical Science scientific center in Moscow, the professor Valery Grigoryevich Savchenko. The candidate of medical sciences, the Dr.Sci.Biol., the leading research associate of Scientific and practical laboratory of stem cells of the person of Institute of experimental cardiology Kardiokompleksa MZ Russian Federation in Moscow Yury Askoldovich Romanov.

Stem cells are the still far myth or already reality? There are any practical results of their use?

V. Savchenko: Today stem cells are widely and successfully applied, as a matter of fact, only in hematology. More precisely, in a blood cancer therapy. With their help we achieve amazing results. If in certain cases efficiency of chemotherapy at cancer patients makes only 30 %, with application of stem cells – 60 %.

V. Smirnov: Some time ago the European committee on treatment of multiple sclerosis published recommendations about application of stem cells in treatment of this disease. Here stem cells "do" what couldn't achieve several years ago. Namely – the illness fades at a certain level and doesn't progress. This great achievement.

– What is the stem cells and in what their curative force consists?

V. Smirnov: Each of us has stem cells. These are peculiar spare parts which help an organism to be restored if in its harmonious work there was any failure. Cages happen two types: krovetvorny and stromalny. The first serve only for formation of the new blood cells, the second – for all other fabrics. Krovetvornye stem cells contain in a marrow

– "the central warehouse of spare parts". A few stromalny cages are in each fabric – on a case of updating or small breakage, and their main quantity – all in the same marrow.

Uniqueness of stem cells – in their "immortality". The matter is that they are capable to share not how usual cages which breed symmetrically. At division of one cage there are two native "daughters" similar to "mother". Stem cells usually share in a different way: they too give two affiliated. But one of them is similar parent, and another – absolutely other, is formed of it a concrete fabric. Such division gives the chance to help another and at the same time to keep itself – therefore stem cells there lives so much, how many the person.

In recent years treatment, to be exact, change of stem cells is a perspective way of fight against various illnesses.

– If it is change, means, cages need to be taken at first from where. What it for sources?

вторник, 17 июля 2012 г.

ISKCh knows how to profit by a cage

The company Institute of stem cells of the person held presentation following the results of two years passed after IPO, and also presented development strategy till 2016. In the next years very active growth is supposed, and it should be reflected in company capitalization positively.
In my opinion, prospects of development of a portfolio of projects as a financial and operational performance of the company completely depends on it are especially interesting to investors and shareholders. If before IPO it had only one product in the market, now such products already four, and by their 2016 will be nine that considerably will increase growth rates of revenue.

By 2016 the volume of revenue is predicted at level of 3,6 billion roubles, and in 2012 it is expected at a rate of 390 million roubles, that is all for 4 years will be shown more than ninefold growth. I expect that in 2011 the revenue will make about 180 million roubles at profitability on EBITDA at level about 5 %.

The main volume of revenue of ISKCh is brought now by services of a fence, allocation and storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood which according to the last reporting on RSBU in 9 months 2011 make 96 % from total amount. Another 4,3 % — the income of SPRS therapy service, in 2011 they will make about 5 %. Thus, 95 % from revenue bring project services Gemabank. In 2012 its share from this service will make about 8 %, that is about 31 million roubles, by 2016 it will decrease to 6,6 %.

Thus the number of the signed contracts at Gemabank increases. According to preliminary data, in their 2011 became more for 6,4 %, and now the company borrows on the Russian market of 56 % that also assumes increase in a share. Stability in this segment is very important now for the company as "Neovaskulgen's" sales which should begin in the 2nd quarter 2012, big levels hardly it is quickly reached, but in the long-term period this preparation becomes one of major factors for revenue growth.

So, in the current year a share of sale of this preparation in total amount of revenue will make about 9 %, that is 35 million roubles, and in four years it will make already 45 %. As "Neovaskulgen's" analogs will appear in Russia only in 3-5 years, the company has excellent prospects for receiving a big segment in the market in the future. Thus by 2016 a share in revenue of ISKCh from the project Gemabank will decrease to 15 % against 74 % which are expected in 2012. In new year sales according to Gemaskrin's project which following the results of a year will bring about 5 % from total sales were started, and to the 2016th this share will grow to 16 %. Besides, in 2012 sales according to several projects will begin. In particular, on SPRG therapy, a bankirovaniye of reproductive cages and fabrics and equipment distribution for cellular processing (Cytori).

Such diversification of a portfolio of projects is the main for stable development that will allow the company to increase considerably and financial results. If in 2012 profitability on EBITDA is expected at level of 5 %, that, thanks to active development of projects and successful

воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.

Who can carry out marrow transplantation?

Transplantation of stem cells in normal conditions is recommended only if:
the recipient of a transplantant has rather good state of health, irrespective of the condition connected with it (that is at the bottom of frequent carrying out transplantation of stem cells during cancer remission)

stem cells can be received from the brother or the sister with identical type of fabrics that reduces risk of a rejection of a transplantant or reaction «a transplantant against the owner»
the caused condition doesn't show reaction on a form of treatment or there are fears of high risk of return to a condition without a transplantant
there is an opinion that the advantage of a transplantant will move risks

Marrow transplantation in "Florence Naytingeyl's" Group

For years of one thousand patients with diagnoses of leukemia, a lymphoma, a miyelodisplaziya, a multiple myeloma and other oncological diseases of blood addressed in "Florence Naytingeyl's" Group for many reasons, including that is one of the most skilled centers of transplantation in the world and our doctors can offer you access to the latest researches and transplantation methods.

Marrow transplantation

Marrow transplantation (also known as transplantation of stem cells) includes collecting healthy stem cells to fill a marrow of the patient. New stem cells take up production of blood cages.

Under some circumstances, there can be possible a capture of your own marrow from other part of your body (it is known as an autotransplantatsiya). The marrow can be cleared of any sick cages before return

The marrow transplant - As it is carried out

Stages of process of transplantation

Process of transplantation consists of three stages:
medical examination of an organism and general state of health
receiving stem cells which will be used in transplantation (known as collecting)
preparation of your body for a transplantant (known as preparation)
transplantation of stem cells
the regenerative period during which, you will be under supervision about side effects and complications

What is the marrow?

The marrow is the porous fabrics being in some bones. It plays important role as contains the special cages known as stem cells.

Stem cells develop other special cages which carry out important functions. Stem cells in a marrow develop three important types of blood little bodies:
rasny blood little bodies which transfer oxygen on an organism
white blood little bodies which help to struggle with infections
plates which help to stop bleedings.

среда, 11 июля 2012 г.

Anna Kovalchuk kept an umbilical blood in the Russian bank "Gemabank" - "Gemafond's" partner

On April 30, 2010 the well-known actress, a star of series "Secrecy of the investigation" and "The master and Margarita", the leading actress of Lensovet Theatre, Anna Kovalchuk gave birth to the son. In July we phoned to Anna, and she told about the pregnancy, childbirth, son Dobryn, the daughter Gold, about daily cares and plans for the future.

Anna, tell, please, about day when you learned about pregnancy? How it was?

We came back from the South. I made the test and in spite of the fact that it showed nothing, took it with myself. When arrived home – looked once again, saw the second stripe and understood that there was a miracle which we with the husband waited some months. And, frankly speaking, already started to worry that pregnancy doesn't come in any way.

You conducted what way of life during pregnancy? How actively worked, went to have a rest?

I went to have a rest to Finland by the car. Tried to conduct an active way of life. But my kid persistently dictated to me that especially активничать it is not necessary. I very quickly was tired, was compelled to be at home. Seldom went shopping, because when came to do shopping, to me at once it became stuffy, heavy, it would be desirable to sit down and not to move. Therefore I decided that the most part of time I will spend at home. Sometimes we left on a visit to friends, were charged from communication with them by positive power.

Than your condition differed from the first pregnancy?

Pregnancy were absolutely different. And children turned out different. The first pregnancy passed very quickly, literally on the run. I was very happy that the daughter in a tummy, all the time with me. In the second time I would like to see the kid as soon as possible. Because of unimportant health, childbirth I looked forward.

You got ready for childbirth, or how to skilled mother, it wasn't necessary for you and you completely relied on the knowledge?

Yes, I relied on the knowledge, on the nature, specially for childbirth didn't prepare and, maybe, in vain. At the time of delivery I incorrectly breathed, and the midwife had to explain me all subtleties of breath in process. I do not know, whether I forgot partially, how it is necessary to breathe, whether and in first labor did it incorrectly. During pregnancy I read special books, magazines, remembered stages of childbirth. But now it is sure that occupations at school for pregnant women should be visited surely.

As all mothers you worry about health of the children. Tell, how you learned about stem cells of an umbilical blood and why made the decision of them to keep.

To me was told about it by my schoolmate. The first time about such service I heard from it. Then began to read about stem cells in magazines. My colleague on theater kept cells of the child, and told me that it is very necessary procedure. I with pleasure used this service.

четверг, 5 июля 2012 г.

During pregnancy future child shares the stem cells with mother

The group of the American scientists of the Medical center Taftsa (Boston, the USA) found out that in an organism of future mother cages of a fruit of three different types circulate. So, studying an organism of mice on late terms of pregnancy, in easy rodents they found cages of a placenta, immune system and stem cells of a fruit. It induced scientists to studying of the mechanism of migration of stem cells of future child, and action of these cages on an organism of mother.

Results of the researches which have been carried out under the direction of doctor Diana Bianka, were published in Biology of Reproduction's Papers-in-Press. Scientists managed to find existence of the mixed population in blood of future mother of the child: cages трофобласта, mesenchymal stem cells and cages of immune system.

Trofoblasta are placentary cages which provide access of a fruit to nutrients. Mesenchymal stem cells - type of cages which can turn into fat, a cartilage or cages of a bone fabric. Researchers assume that these cages (and also immune cages) a fruit in blood of mother are capable to help not to perceive to immune system of the woman a fruit as alien "agent" in an organism and not to "attack" it. Detection of cages трофобласта and immune cages in parent lungs should help further researches with this area. In particular, scientists hope to reveal the mechanism of emergence of complications during pregnancy, and also effect of restoration at damage of parent bodies which allegedly arises thanks to existence of mesenchymal stem cells of a fruit.

Using the latest methods which allowed to receive enough information from only 80 stem cells, scientists can come nearer now to understanding of all complexity of such process as pregnancy, and it is better to understand mechanisms of migration of stem cells. Research of the American scientists from the Medical center Taftsa develop and confirm opening which made before their colleague of New York and Los Angeles. They found out that stem cells of a fruit migrate in the struck bodies of future mother and help them with restoration.

According to the director general of the Ukrainian Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" of Andrey Lakhturov: «Unique properties of stem cells on maintenance of self-updating of bodies and fabrics of our organism made them the most valuable material for studying. Research of stem cells will allow to learn better principles on which our organism functions and to open ways of providing the person health and longevity. Thus already today stem cells are used at treatment more than 100 diseases, the most frequent on application among which is the group of oncological diseases».

Interview of the oncologist and the representative of Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" - Gemafond

Interview of the oncologist and the representative of Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" - Gemafond

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среда, 4 июля 2012 г.

As stem cells start production of chest milk during pregnancy

As stem cells start production of chest milk during pregnancy

Как стволовые клетки запускают выработку грудного молока во время беременности,
As stem cells start production of chest milk during pregnancy