воскресенье, 23 декабря 2012 г.

Blood types arose for protection against viruses

As scientists from University of Bath believe, the person could get the enzymes defining a blood type, at bacteria – they were necessary to interfere with distribution of viruses to populations. Erythrocytes in blood of the person are covered with carbohydrate structures which call gliko-anti-genes. The phenotype of these anti-genes determines a blood type by AB0 system. A-positive people have the antibodies resisting to gliko-anti-genes of group B, B-positive have anti-And and anti-0, 0-positive – anti-A and anti-B. These antibodies don't exist at the beginning of organism formation, and appear with intestinal bacteria which make eritrotsitarny anti-genes. Viruses in a cover bear part of a membrane of a cage owner which contains anti-genes of blood types. As a result, if the virus arrives from an A-positive organism in B-or 0-positive, the immune system kills him etc.
Gliko-antigena consist of groups of enzymes – гликозилтрансфераз. Scientists investigated three-dimensional structure of a molecule гликозилтрансферазы from an intestinal bacterium of Bacteroides ovatus. It appeared that it has the structure similar with maternal, though possesses functional differences (its working capacity doesn't depend on ions). They show that maternal enzyme could occur from bacterial as a result of a horizontal transfer of genes (passing a specific barrier), instead of by vertical (from generation to generation). It is supposed that genes of bacterial enzyme were introduced in an organism of the ancestor of modern vertebrata, and from them there was an enzyme of the person as a security measure from viruses. Article with this conclusion is published by scientists in the Scientific Reports magazine.

Scientists learned not to start up HIV in immune system

tratScientists from Barcelona defined the mechanism of peneion of HIV in immune system. Besides, they managed to block this "entrance" and to prevent virus distribution, writes La Vanguardia. Today while it is difficult to imagine opening potential, but it is possible to hope that in 10 years the medicine blocking transfer to HIV in a human body will be developed, notes the edition. Earlier it was found out that HIV is capable to hide in the cages dendrites protecting immune system, and through them to infect lymphatic fabric. Now Barcelonian scientists described a molecule of dendrites which serves as "entrance" in a cage.
Opening in the future can lead to development of a preparation for HIV treatment at early stages or even protection from it. According to scientists, theoretically this mechanism is useful and for prevention of transfer of other viruses — for example, htlv-1, the causative agent of leukemia.

вторник, 4 декабря 2012 г.

Stem cells used for a medicine assessment

Researchers from Jones Hopkins's University reported about concrete steps on a way of use of stem cells for studying of action of drugs on cells of a sick organism, reports Science Daily. The work described in the last number Nature Biotechnology, began a few years ago with studying of possibility of testing of experimental preparations on the specialized sick cells which have been grown up from induced plyuripotentny stem cells (iPSCs). Gabsan Li (Gabsang Lee) with colleagues then was withdrawn by skin cells from the person with an infrequent genetic disease, Riley-Day's syndrome. The choice of this disease was bound to that it affects only one type of nervous cells, to allocate which a traditional biopsy it is almost impossible. In experiments on verification of the concept scientists by means of known biochemical factors (they are called as Yamanaka's factors) reprogrammed skin cells in the induced plyuripotentny stem cells, capable to turn into cells of different specialization, and received from them nervous cells. "We can't study nervous cells directly, but this approach allowed us to see for the first time what exactly occurs at disease development", - Whether speaks. One of symptoms of a syndrome of Riley-Day - the lowered painful sensitivity, till 30 years lives only a half of patients.
Whether in recent research with colleagues from Memorial hospital Sloan Kettering used the same laboratorno grown-up nervous cells of a syndrome of Riley-Day for screening of seven thousand preparations. By means of the robot programmed on the analysis of their effect, scientists managed to identify quickly eight bonds for the subsequent testing, and only one - SKF-86466 - showed undoubted ability to stop or turn a course of a disease at cellular level. As Gabsan Li explained, clinical tests of SKF-86466 are impossible because of small number of patients with Riley-Day's syndrome in the world, but instead of this bond it is possible to use very similar preparation allowed for use on other indications.

Nanoconveyors of drugs in cancer cells are created in Russia

The molecule, capable to deliver drugs in the core of a cell, including affected by cancer process, is developed in Russia, is spoken in the report of the director of Institute of biology of a gene of the Russian Academy of Sciences of academician George Georgiyev and the head of the laboratory of molecular genetics of intracellular transport Alexander Sobolev. Such "supplier" does treatment at least one thousand times more effective in comparison with usual therapy, transfers ITAR-TASS. "As a serious call for those who frames specific and effective remedies of treatment, the paradoxical situation serves. It is at the same time necessary to use so-called superficial molecular markers to provide cellular specificity of medicine whereas achievement of maximum efficiency demands medicine delivery in a cell, in its certain part", - Alexander Sobolev told. For anticancerogenic agents such delivery has to be carried out usually immediately in a core, the scientist specified. But for this purpose it is necessary to frame a certain transport of medicine in the right place, uniting to two inconsistent demand. "We developed the modular nanoconveyors (MNT), allowing to achieve it", - Sobolev noted.
For this purpose from different natural molecules separate modules were taken and bridged in himerny, speaking to words of scientists, artificial protein about 10 nanometers in size. It also is MNT, and all modules keep the functions in its structure. MNT after intravenous administration collect mainly in tumoral cells, and in them – mainly in cores. Besides, these conveyors are a little toxic and almost immunogens. Thanks to it drugs for photodynamic therapy of a cancer – so-called photosensitinogens (FS), – delivered by the nanoconveyor in cancer cells, appear by 1000-3000 times more effective in comparison with free FS. So, for example, therapy of the epidermoid carcinoma of the person inoculated to mice with application of MNT causes an appreciable growth inhibition of a tumor and provides survival of 75% of mice with tumors while usual, free FS yields result only in 20%. Similar results were received and when using other antitumoral preparations. "High efficiency of therapy with application of various MNT allows to raise a question of possibility of application of conveyors of this sort for treatment of malignant neoplasms in clinic", - researchers emphasized. Now preclinical tests of MNT come to the end.

понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.

Biologists found out a parentage of cells candelabrums

The American scientists from laboratory Kold Spring Harbor established a clonal parentage of cells candelabrums, the neurones of a cerebral cortex uniting to information from hundred "usual" neurones. Cells candelabrums were open about 40 years ago. Their difference from usual neurones consists that they form contacts to many pyramidal cells. Because of a set of contacts which are visible at a staining, cells candelabrums and received the name. One of pioneers of structure of DNA, Frensis Krik, put forward cells candelabrums on a role of integrators which control "simple" neurones of a cortex and if necessary "impose the veto" on exaltation diffusion between them. Nevertheless, it was till today unclear, these neurones are how formed. Authors of new research showed that these cells are formed of earlier unknown zone of a fetal brain (a ventral germinal zone - VGZ). Also scientific it was possible to find out, what gene specifically is responsible for their development.
To track "destiny" of cells it was possible thanks to specific synthesis of fluorescent proteins and the subsequent analysis of sections. Scientists notice that their research is of great importance for comprehension of how interaction between neurones from the point of view of hierarchy and spatial structure is organized. While on this subject neurobiologists know a little that is bound to extreme complexity of "disentangling" of structure of contacts of neurones. Let's remind, earlier Chinese scientists studied the impulses going from a human brain, and transformed them to musical waves. As a result researchers came to a conclusion that music of reason is similar to the jazz.

понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.

Scientists learned to do cages deckman DNA without participation

Scientists developed a new method of transformation of cages in deckman DNA without use. Article with the description of technology is published in the Cell Stem Cell magazine. Briefly results of researchers are described by the The Scientist magazine. Stem cells differ from "usual" subjects that are capable to develop on several ways. In other words, they can turn into various types of cages. The destiny of not stem cells is rigidly predetermined. As limiters certain updatings of DNA which stem cells don't have act. In recent years scientists developed some ways of reprogramming of not stem cells. All of them demanded introduction in a cage of certain genes. Addition of an alien genetic material does techniques potentially dangerous as DNA can be built in a genome of a cage and cause serious violations of its work. The majority of techniques means DNA introduction by means of the special infectious agent, and it essentially increases probability of a vstroyka. Authors of new research could turn фибробласты into plyuripotentny stem cells, without entering into their kernels of DNA. Researchers used "cocktail" from several transkriptsionny factors. This term the squirrels promoting reading of information from a certain site of a genome call. Proteins in a large number made genetically modified cages of an intestinal stick of Escherichia coli. Researchers allocated them, cleared and added in culture фибробластов - specialized cages of a connecting fabric. In comparison with the technology, using infectious agents, efficiency of transformation was 10 times less - 0,006 percent against 0,067 percent. Nevertheless, the method has big prospects for use in medical practice. The safe way of receiving stem cells is necessary, for example, for cultivation of a healthy warm fabric instead of the damaged.

Cholesterol is necessary for brain development

Newspaper «our World» Scientists from Carolinian institute proved that the component of cholesterol is necessary for formation of cells of the brain developing a dopamine. The experiments which have been carried out on embryos of mice, showed that development of neurons depends on activation of a certain receptor by the oxidized form of cholesterol - oksisteroly. The cages developing a dopamine, are necessary for development of motor skills, work of system of compensation and dependence formation. They die off first of all at Parkinson's illness. Scientists also showed that the embryonic stem cells which have been grown up in laboratory, under the influence of cholesterol become more probable dopaminovy neurons. The same influence allows to supervise development of stem cells. Scientists expect to replace died-off cells of patients, growing up neurons in laboratory.

Responsible for a hair loss recognized stem cells

The American researchers from University of Pennsylvania by experiences established that responsible for baldness at people is a certain type of stem cells. They brake action of usual stem cells which are responsible for growth of hair at mammals and people. In 2006-2007 the professor of University of Pennsylvania George Kotsarelis by practical consideration found out that stem cells directly are responsible for scalp growth at mice. It and his colleagues entered to experimental mice embryonic stem cells. As a result growth rate of hair at mice increased by 60-70 percent. Similar experiences with success were also repeated in France, Great Britain and Japan. However at the solution of an essential task – how to get rid of a hair loss at people, it became clear that stem cells can and break scalp growth, leading to baldness. During experiments Kotsarelis proved that the certain type of stem cells containing in hair follicles – so-called “old cages” or "cages predecessors", can block action of usual cages. As a rule, baldness begins in that site where the maintenance of "harmful" stem cells exceeds norm. Further they counteract usual cages and finally the person grows bald. Now Kotsarelis and his colleagues intend to find out, for what reasons there is this "failure" and in follicles concentration of "abnormal" stem cells which are responsible for baldness increases.

Stem cells told about a mozaitsizm of a human genome

Biologists of Yale university showed that the somatic mozaitsizm is widespread much more widely, than was considered earlier. It appeared that a third of cells of skin of the person in DNA has deletsiya or repetitions. Work is published in the Nature magazine, and its summary is provided on a university site. To establish individual differences in DNA of cells of skin, scientists used equipment of receiving the induced stem cells (iPSC). This method allows to give to somatic cages ability beyond all bounds shares. The matter is that for definition of sequence (sekvenirovaniye) of DNA scientific it is required to have it in a set of copies as the sekvenirovaniye of individual molecules of nucleinic acids while is interfaced to exclusive technical difficulties.
Having created from individual cells of skin deckman, scientists could multiply them in culture. Thanks to it, authors received unlimited number of copies of cellular DNA and could establish its sequence in the usual way. It appeared that the number of cages, whose DNA differs from an initial general genome in skin of the person reaches 30 percent. It is unexpectedly high figure contradicts earlier recognized opinion that individual differences get only "unhealthy" - precancer and cancer cages. The found differences generally consisted in duplication or, on the contrary, cutting of a part of DNA. According to classical representations of biology of development, the sequence of DNA of each cage of a metaphyte should be identical. Distinctions which underlie dissimilarity of different cells of one person consist not in DNA, and in its regulation - not in what genes are present at a cage, and in what of them are included. Nevertheless, because of mistakes at DNA replkatsiya during individual development separate cages gain own genetic features. This phenomenon is called as a somatic mozaitsizm. For a method of receiving the induced stem cells which authors applied in this article, to John Gardon and Sinjya Yamanaka in 2012 the Nobel Prize on physiology and medicine was awarded.

пятница, 2 ноября 2012 г.

The Austrian transplantologist advised to Ukraine to take bodies from all dead men, irrespective of a consent of relatives

The consent presumption — standard of the law on which each died person is considered the donor, regardless of a consent of relatives — can become a push of development of the Ukrainian transplantology. To Ukraine suggest to allow posthumous donorship of the Photo of belarus-news.eu The professor of the Vienna medical university Igor Guk in interview told that the state support is necessary for trasplantologiya development in Ukraine, and also changes in the legislation. «In Austria quite progressive system of donorship, also allows to carry out a fence of bodies irrespective of a consent (or disagreement) relatives of the died person. That is the consent presumption is legislatively fixed. If the person against in case of death his bodies were taken for change, it has a right to declare it. Such information bring in the special register, and nobody has the rights to begin a body fence, without having convinced that the person didn't state during lifetime the disagreement to become the donor. Generally, in the Austrian society perception of transplantation positive» — the professor told. - Ministry of Health suggests to allow posthumous donorship in Ukraine «In the Ukrainian society, as far as I know, exist fears that such standard of the law (that is a consent presumption) the way to a fence of bodies at people who aren't potential donors will open. I heard, what the scandals connected by were that doctors suspected as if of illegal operations. After that at many ordinary people the organ transplantation associates with something dangerous, even the criminal. It, of course, very noticeably also was painfully designated on a situation in transplantation» — Guk noted. The professor considers that for Ukraine the example of Belarus is indicative. «The leaders of the neighboring country resolutely supported this branch, there passed the law on transplantation (in it there is a norm about a consent presumption), and literally for only a few years the Belarusian transplantologists escaped forward. And though the Ukrainian transplantologists carry out such operations at level of the best in the world, at level of the state of necessary support of the specified direction of modern medicine isn't present. And this with the fact that the population in Ukraine several times more than in Belarus. The second important point — the legislation favorable for development of transplantation. Now it, on the contrary, adverse» — he told. «From conversations with the Ukrainian colleagues I know about tragic cases when literally in the face of the person who can be rescued an organ transplantation, and relatives died in accident perishes disagree, that from it took body. The Ukrainian society difficult overcomes a way to mercy. The European countries passed this way earlier» — the professor noted.

понедельник, 22 октября 2012 г.

Scientists study "garbage DNA" the person

The most part of a human genome is presented so-called to "garbage DNA" - free scraps of a genetic code. The last researches of the international scientific group showed that the essential part of this material is formed by DNA of various viruses. Under the direction of the professor of biology of Cedric Feskotta from the Texas university the group of scientists of the USA and Japan found out that in a genome of the person and some mammals of a chain of DNA contain inserts of a virus of Born, replication and which transmission can occur in cellular kernels. Together with the Japanese colleague professor Keyzi Tomonaga from University of Osaka, Feskott assumes that similar impregnations are at the bottom of schizophrenia and other mental diseases of the person. Born's virus received the name on the German city where in 1885 epidemic caused by it was fixed. This form энцефаломиелита almost completely exterminated horses of Prussian army, having turned its cavalry into infantry. Carriers of a virus of Born (BDV) are birds and house mammals, however long time was considered that this infection isn't dangerous to the person. Only in 1996 the American physicians proved that Born's illness affects also people. Suffering this disease are subject to a constant depression, have memory problems, and also violation of perception of the outside world. Born's virus is in own way unique - his RNA sequence strikes only brain neurons, creating the permanent center of an infection in the carrier head. Then the Taiwan geneticists showed that in families of the people struck with a virus of Born, the percent of patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders is great. Now new research allowed to establish that the dangerous disease leaves the trace in a genome of the person, as provokes emergence of mental deviations in the subsequent generations. Having investigated 234 enkriotichesky genomes (that is a genome which managed to be deciphered completely), Feskott and his colleagues found BDV signs in many mammals. Besides, geneticists found the mechanism allowing these RNA elements of a virus of Born to take root into chromosomes of the person, transferred this disease that conducts to the subsequent mutations of a nervous cage.

EKO increases risk of developmental anomalies at a fruit

Children conceived as a result of ekstrakorporalny fertilisation (EKO), have considerably bigger risk to be born with congenital defects in comparison with conceived by a natural way. In particular it concerns organs of vision, cardiovascular and urinogenital systems. Such data, ScienceDaily reports, are provided in work of experts from university of the State of California (Los Angeles), presented on October 20 at national conference of the American academy of pediatrics (AAP) passing in New Orleans.
Authors of research made the conclusions on the basis of data on 50 820 children who were born in California - the state of the USA where EKO application - in 2006-2007 is especially widespread. 46 025 from them were conceived by a natural way, and 4795 - by means of EKO. At collection of information the age and racial accessory of mother, total of childbirth at it, use of various auxiliary reproductive techniques by it, including medicinal stimulation of an ovulation, and also date of birth and a sex of the child, a way of its conception and presence of developmental anomalies were considered. For research children with approximately close parent demographic data were selected. As a result it was established that with various congenital defects 3 463 children were born. The comparative statistical analysis showed that among conceived by means of EKO developmental anomalies meet considerably more often than at conceived in the usual way - 9 percent against 6,6 percent. And in particular this overweight concerns organs of vision - 0,3 percent against 0,2 percent, hearts - 5 percent against 3 percent and urinogenital system - 1,5 percent against 1 percent. In total the probability of congenital developmental anomalies at "children from a test tube" appeared in 1,25 times higher, than at "heteros". As it is noted in the report, so obvious interrelation between congenital defects and application of reproductive technologies is revealed only for EKO, for other techniques promoting a fertilnost some appreciable results weren't received. The reasons of such phenomenon aren't studied yet. According to the data sounded in July, 2012 on the 28th annual congress of ESHRE (The European society on problems of a reproduction of the person and an embriologiya), since July, 1978 in the world, at least, five million "children from a test tube" were born. Among world regions in which reproductive technologies are actively applied, Europe, and among the countries - the USA and Japan is in the lead. The experimental technique of treatment of infertility - ekstrakorporalny fertilisation - was developed by the British doctors Robert Edwards (Robert Edwards) and Patrick Steptou (Patric Steptoe). Louise Brown who was born on July 25, 1978 became the first child, born thanks to this procedure. Now procedures of auxiliary reproductive technologies include, besides EKO, an intratsitoplazmatichesky injection of a spermatozoon in an oocyte (IKSI), and also some other techniques.

воскресенье, 23 сентября 2012 г.

Stem cells don't restore heart at adults

These researches of scientists from Kornelsky university and university of Bonn say that stem cells and in the truth can replace dead fabrics of heart after heart attack at early age, but the same cages lose this regenerative ability at adults. Research which led on mice, showed that not differentiated cages predecessors promote creation of new cells of heart at two-day mice, but not at adult individuals, having settled long-term dispute that stem cells can play a part in restoration of heart of an adult mammal after a heart attack in which because of blocking of an artery heart fabrics perish.
«But existence of these cages at adults remains disputable if adults have quite capable stem cells why after a heart attack there are no new cages? Whether it in the absence of stem cells or something special in a heart attack which ингибирует stem cells in formation of new cells of heart, remains a question in which we decided to be engaged, using that newborn mice have same cages», the leading author of work Michael Kotlikoff declared. Kotlikoff and his colleagues found out that at two-day mice new cells of heart were created and almost completely recovered from a heart attack, proving that the trauma doesn't interfere with stem cells in creation of new cells of heart. The same procedure was carried out on adult mice, but there any new cells of heart wasn't formed, confirming that adult individuals have no necessary stem cells for creation of new cells of heart which are called миоцитами while new cages of blood vessels continued to be formed. The stem cells found in heart of adult individuals «lost possibility to become cells of heart, and are capable to form only new vessels», Kotlikoff speaks. Unary stem cells are differentiated in all fabrics at the beginning of life, but eventually these cages become "intellectually limited" or specializes in formation of only a certain fabric.

Scientists confirmed existence of cancer stem cells

Three independent groups of scientists at the same time reported about detection of so-called cancer stem cells - small groups of cages on which growth of cancer tumors depends, transfers to Lenta. Ru. Allocation of such cages changes not only idea of the mechanism of development of malignant new growths, but also an approach to their treatment. On August 1 three works devoted to this subject, are published in Nature and Science magazines. Thus, the hypothesis is confirmed that at the heart of ability of cancer tumors to renew the growth after long remission existence of small group of cages lies, which can "wait" in a sleeping condition action and chemotherapy, and beam therapy to begin then active division and to start the same process at other types of cancer cages, having initiated repeated development of a disease. The first assumptions of existence of such catalyst and, respectively, to the hierarchical nature of growth of cancer cages appeared in the 1990th years during research of development of leukemia at mice, but they still weren't confirmed on an example of the malignant tumors developing in various fabrics of an organism. All groups of the researchers who have reported about the opening to trace processes occurring in tumors and how various types of cages are involved in them, used methods of genetic marking. Thus each of groups had objects of studying the.
So, the team under the direction of biologist Luis Parada (Luis Parada) from the Southwest Medical center at university of the State of Texas in Dallas, whose work is published in Nature, concentrated on глиобластоме - one of types of cancer tumors of a brain. They assumed that the genetic markers inherent in healthy adult neural stem cells, can be similar to markers of stem cells глиобластомы. Being based on this assumption, authors really found tumors some cages with such markers, thus, that other cages of a tumor didn't contain them. Further researches showed that under the influence of standard chemotherapy all cages, except marked then growth of a tumor renews perish, thus marked cages generate all the others. When authors managed to suppress process of division of marked cages, the tumor actually broke up to fragments which didn't become a basis for development new glioblasty. The group under the direction of Cedric Blanpen (Cedric Blanpain) from the Belgian Free university of Brussels, whose work is also published in Nature, was engaged in studying of a cancer of skin, and all cages of a tumor became objects of research. They managed to find out that cancer cages differ according to the division scenario - the part from them can share limited number of times, and a part, and these are those stem cells - infinitely. It appeared that in that case when the cancer becomes aggressive, in a tumor stem cells capable to unlimited division, instead of cages of other type are formed generally. According to Blanpen, this opening can become a key to new strategy of a cancer therapy at early stages - instead of removal of stem cells, their transformation by means of therapeutic influence in other type of cages with limited ability to division.

Scientists grew up a human liver from stem cells

At the International conference on research of stem cells in Yokohama Japanese scientists presented results of development of innovative technology on creation of an artificial liver.
Scientists from university of Yokohama (Yokohama City University) grew up a human liver from stem cells. However, to replace it to the patient yet it will not be possible. First, the received structure too small – only about five millimeters in diameter, and secondly, it was grown up in the head of an experimental mouse. Besides, the body which has been grown up by Hideki of Taniguti and Takanori Takebe, still it is necessary to check on "professional suitability", that is, whether it carries out necessary functions. Nevertheless, already now many experts call work of Japanese as break in transplantology. In the work scientists used the induced plyuripotentny stem cells which were programmed" on transformation into cells of a liver. In addition scientists added cages germinal connecting a fabric — mesenchymas and cages from umbilical cord blood. «We mixed some types of cages, and they independently gathered to structures almost identical to fabrics of a human liver. Ourselves were surprised!. Later researchers replaced the received structures in a skull of live mice with a heavy immunodeficiency. Plentiful inflow of blood to a brain of small animals promoted the strengthened growth of new body, and the weakened immunity couldn't cause rejection brought from the outside of fabrics» — Takebe told. In 48 hours of a cage began to be formed in a tiny liver. The quantity and structure of a glycogen and amino acids completely corresponded to human body. «The liver received by us still is far from ideal — scientists speak. – We still should find a way of a reconstruction of bilious channels and increase in the sizes of body». Japanese presented results of work at the International conference on research of stem cells in Yokohama (ISSCR 2012). For this reason the detailed description isn't published yet in reviewed magazines. Now researchers of the Country of a rising sun carry out the careful analysis of the received body to understand true value of the work.

воскресенье, 2 сентября 2012 г.

Ischemic heart trouble: prophylaxis

Ischemic heart trouble: prophylaxis

Prophylaxis of ischemic heart trouble is needed for active life and maintenance of health on long years. The prophylaxis of ИБС helps to protect Your heart. A healthy heart is a necessary condition of good feel, physical activity and valuable life.

The prophylaxis of ischemic heart trouble on the face of it is simple, but supposes constancy in Your optimization of own character of life. It be possible to say, a prophylaxis of ИБС is a regular prosecution of itself, including the revision of row of priorities and habits.

The prophylaxis of ИБС in large part is assisted by minimization of pernicious habits(in an ideal is the realized refuse). Smoking and overconsumption of alcohol negatively influence on passableness of vessels. The damaged bottled vessels are principal reason of development of ИБС.

Consumable food is an important aspect in the prophylaxis of ischemic heart trouble. Predominance of foods rich in vitamins(especially groups In and С), decline of consumption of culinary

Specialists taught barrel mews independently to form a retina

From the barrel mews of mise the Japanese scientists succeeded to create a retina in a laboratory, BBC reports. During an experiment specialists appealed to the barrel mews, because they are able to grow into many tissues of body. At addition of correct mixture of nutritives of mew changed and began raise, forming a retina.

Scientists hope to use this method, in order to create the inexhaustible supply of mews of retina or even valuable retinas for subsequent transplantation. An ultimate goal is constructing of separate eye. For example, it will allow to save hundreds of people from the loss of eyesight because of age-dependent макулярной

Striking, that during the work the Japanese specialists showed, as the grown barrel mews itself it was organized spontaneous character in a difficult form that reminded the developing eye of embryo. A three-dimensional, stratified structure ascended to an eye bowl - part of eyecup extended as a bowl, a retina develops from the walls of that.

вторник, 24 июля 2012 г.

Stem cells will receive from uterine pipes

The Brazilian scientists suggested to use the fabrics received at amputation of a uterus, for receiving stem cells, reports the Air Force. Work of experts from São Paulo University (University of Sao Paulo) was published in The Journal of Translational Medicine.

Researchers could allocate and multiply on a nutrient medium multipotentny stem cells from fabrics of uterine pipes which leave together with a uterus or at surgical sterilization. Further these stem cells can be used for receiving hryashchevy, bone, fatty and muscular fabrics.

According to researchers, opening can be used for development of new methods of treatment of such diseases as arthritis, and also as a source of mezenkhimny stem cells. These cages will help with studying of mechanisms of development of infertility at women.

The previous researches showed possibility of receiving multipotentny stem cells from various fabrics of an organism (fatty, muscular, hryashchevy, bone and others). Making comments on work of the Brazilian scientists, the employee of Royal college of London (Kings College London) Stefen Minger (Stephen Minger) noted its ethical value. However he added that receiving stem cells from a fatty fabric or a marrow is more available and less travmatichny for the person.

Controllable clinical researches

Use of an umbilical blood in the future while vaguely. There is a number of promising researches, but the checked ways of treatment with use of an umbilical blood are described here. The bank of the umbilical blood, declaring that he knows precisely how stem cells in the future will be used, isn't honest with you.
Stem cells can recycle heart after the suffered heart attack

1. Treatment Potential treatment of illnesses of heart is based on ability of stem cells to restore a pericardium.
2. A cellular injection Stem cells are entered through a catheter into heart directly right after a heart attack or when heart very much weakened and became inactive to swing blood properly.
3. New life Results show that stem cells can treat the damaged fabrics but while there is no confidence of, whether there are stem cells cells of the adult person or they stimulate division and regeneration of already existing cells of heart.

On March 18 2011 — Researchers of stem cells showed for the first time that the stem cells entered into increased heart, reduced its volume, a cicatricial fabric and improved functioning of the struck sites of heart. The received results of the small experiment which has been carried out in Interdistsiplinarn institute of stem cells (Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute) at Miami university, Miller's (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) medical school, are published on March 17 in Circulation Research release: Journal of the American Heart Association.?? “Even at early stages of this research,” Joshua M. Her, the senior head of research and director Interdistsiplinarnogo of institute of stem cells speaks, ”its results sound is promising for more than five

million Americans with the increased heart because of the suffered heart attack.” Such patients are subject to risk of premature death, are invalid and need frequent hospitalization. Traditionally treatment is carried out in two directions — lifelong acceptance of drugs and surgical intervention, for example, a heart transplantation.

On October 12 2010: Scientists declared on Monday that they entered into Friday stem cells to the patient with the damaged spinal cord, having given that began to first-ever clinical research of therapy by stem cells of a human embryo.

The patient was on treatment in Shepherd Center, the center of violations back and a brain in Atlanta.

In spite of the fact that the experience which is carried out by Geron Corp. Menlo Park, California, was at early stages — on purpose to investigate treatment about its safety — this event represents the first step in research of embryonic stem cells, this corporation already for many years studied cellular potential in treatment of damages back могзга, diabetes and a number of neurodegenerate diseases.

The bone can do of fat

The American scientists developed an improbable method of restoration of a bone fabric. They allocated stem cells from a fatty fabric and grew up from them a bone.
Methods of restoration of a bone fabric which are used now, are imperfect. Scientists managed to create a new reliable method of cultivation of a bone from the stem cells received from a fatty fabric.

Scientists hope that for restoration of a bone fabric the doctor will need to receive a fatty fabric of the patient, to allocate stem cells and to place them there where it is necessary to grow up a bone.

Unlike traditional methods which are used for restoration of the bones, the new method allows to grow up a bone in short terms and more quality.

среда, 18 июля 2012 г.

Introduction of cages of an umbilical blood promotes restoration after a stroke

The cages of an umbilical blood entered intravenously get into a brain, migrate and improve a functional condition after the suffered stroke. To such conclusion the group of researchers after experiments on rats at whom the ischemic stroke was simulated came. In 7 days after introduction of human cages considerable improvement of behavioural parameters of animals was noted. Human cages got into the struck site of a brain of rats and appeared are capable to be differentiated in nervous cages. According to the conclusion of authors, transplantation of cages of an umbilical blood can find application in treatment of the patients who have had a stroke.

Stem cells of an umbilical blood are capable to restore an eye fabric

The umbilical blood contains a significant amount of the cages predecessors, capable to form new blood vessels. In the work published in the Circulation Research magazine (2003, 93:e51-62), svezhevydelenny cages of an umbilical blood entered into a muscle operating movement of an eye (at mice). Formation of new vessels and new muscular fibers was as a result observed. Similar properties of cages of an umbilical blood remained and after their additional reproduction in culture. The obtained data showed high plasticity of cages of an umbilical blood and possibility of their application for transplantation at ophthalmologic violations.

Physicians use the best efforts, that stem cells found application quicker. And whether any real help is possible from society?

In discussion take part:

The academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of Institute of experimental cardiology Kardiokompleksa of MZ Russian Federation in Moscow, professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Smirnov.

The doctor of medical sciences, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the head of office of chemotherapy гемобластозов and transplantations of a marrow of the Gematologichesky Russian Academy of Medical Science scientific center in Moscow, the professor Valery Grigoryevich Savchenko. The candidate of medical sciences, the Dr.Sci.Biol., the leading research associate of Scientific and practical laboratory of stem cells of the person of Institute of experimental cardiology Kardiokompleksa MZ Russian Federation in Moscow Yury Askoldovich Romanov.

Stem cells are the still far myth or already reality? There are any practical results of their use?

V. Savchenko: Today stem cells are widely and successfully applied, as a matter of fact, only in hematology. More precisely, in a blood cancer therapy. With their help we achieve amazing results. If in certain cases efficiency of chemotherapy at cancer patients makes only 30 %, with application of stem cells – 60 %.

V. Smirnov: Some time ago the European committee on treatment of multiple sclerosis published recommendations about application of stem cells in treatment of this disease. Here stem cells "do" what couldn't achieve several years ago. Namely – the illness fades at a certain level and doesn't progress. This great achievement.

– What is the stem cells and in what their curative force consists?

V. Smirnov: Each of us has stem cells. These are peculiar spare parts which help an organism to be restored if in its harmonious work there was any failure. Cages happen two types: krovetvorny and stromalny. The first serve only for formation of the new blood cells, the second – for all other fabrics. Krovetvornye stem cells contain in a marrow

– "the central warehouse of spare parts". A few stromalny cages are in each fabric – on a case of updating or small breakage, and their main quantity – all in the same marrow.

Uniqueness of stem cells – in their "immortality". The matter is that they are capable to share not how usual cages which breed symmetrically. At division of one cage there are two native "daughters" similar to "mother". Stem cells usually share in a different way: they too give two affiliated. But one of them is similar parent, and another – absolutely other, is formed of it a concrete fabric. Such division gives the chance to help another and at the same time to keep itself – therefore stem cells there lives so much, how many the person.

In recent years treatment, to be exact, change of stem cells is a perspective way of fight against various illnesses.

– If it is change, means, cages need to be taken at first from where. What it for sources?

вторник, 17 июля 2012 г.

ISKCh knows how to profit by a cage

The company Institute of stem cells of the person held presentation following the results of two years passed after IPO, and also presented development strategy till 2016. In the next years very active growth is supposed, and it should be reflected in company capitalization positively.
In my opinion, prospects of development of a portfolio of projects as a financial and operational performance of the company completely depends on it are especially interesting to investors and shareholders. If before IPO it had only one product in the market, now such products already four, and by their 2016 will be nine that considerably will increase growth rates of revenue.

By 2016 the volume of revenue is predicted at level of 3,6 billion roubles, and in 2012 it is expected at a rate of 390 million roubles, that is all for 4 years will be shown more than ninefold growth. I expect that in 2011 the revenue will make about 180 million roubles at profitability on EBITDA at level about 5 %.

The main volume of revenue of ISKCh is brought now by services of a fence, allocation and storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood which according to the last reporting on RSBU in 9 months 2011 make 96 % from total amount. Another 4,3 % — the income of SPRS therapy service, in 2011 they will make about 5 %. Thus, 95 % from revenue bring project services Gemabank. In 2012 its share from this service will make about 8 %, that is about 31 million roubles, by 2016 it will decrease to 6,6 %.

Thus the number of the signed contracts at Gemabank increases. According to preliminary data, in their 2011 became more for 6,4 %, and now the company borrows on the Russian market of 56 % that also assumes increase in a share. Stability in this segment is very important now for the company as "Neovaskulgen's" sales which should begin in the 2nd quarter 2012, big levels hardly it is quickly reached, but in the long-term period this preparation becomes one of major factors for revenue growth.

So, in the current year a share of sale of this preparation in total amount of revenue will make about 9 %, that is 35 million roubles, and in four years it will make already 45 %. As "Neovaskulgen's" analogs will appear in Russia only in 3-5 years, the company has excellent prospects for receiving a big segment in the market in the future. Thus by 2016 a share in revenue of ISKCh from the project Gemabank will decrease to 15 % against 74 % which are expected in 2012. In new year sales according to Gemaskrin's project which following the results of a year will bring about 5 % from total sales were started, and to the 2016th this share will grow to 16 %. Besides, in 2012 sales according to several projects will begin. In particular, on SPRG therapy, a bankirovaniye of reproductive cages and fabrics and equipment distribution for cellular processing (Cytori).

Such diversification of a portfolio of projects is the main for stable development that will allow the company to increase considerably and financial results. If in 2012 profitability on EBITDA is expected at level of 5 %, that, thanks to active development of projects and successful

воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.

Who can carry out marrow transplantation?

Transplantation of stem cells in normal conditions is recommended only if:
the recipient of a transplantant has rather good state of health, irrespective of the condition connected with it (that is at the bottom of frequent carrying out transplantation of stem cells during cancer remission)

stem cells can be received from the brother or the sister with identical type of fabrics that reduces risk of a rejection of a transplantant or reaction «a transplantant against the owner»
the caused condition doesn't show reaction on a form of treatment or there are fears of high risk of return to a condition without a transplantant
there is an opinion that the advantage of a transplantant will move risks

Marrow transplantation in "Florence Naytingeyl's" Group

For years of one thousand patients with diagnoses of leukemia, a lymphoma, a miyelodisplaziya, a multiple myeloma and other oncological diseases of blood addressed in "Florence Naytingeyl's" Group for many reasons, including that is one of the most skilled centers of transplantation in the world and our doctors can offer you access to the latest researches and transplantation methods.

Marrow transplantation

Marrow transplantation (also known as transplantation of stem cells) includes collecting healthy stem cells to fill a marrow of the patient. New stem cells take up production of blood cages.

Under some circumstances, there can be possible a capture of your own marrow from other part of your body (it is known as an autotransplantatsiya). The marrow can be cleared of any sick cages before return

The marrow transplant - As it is carried out

Stages of process of transplantation

Process of transplantation consists of three stages:
medical examination of an organism and general state of health
receiving stem cells which will be used in transplantation (known as collecting)
preparation of your body for a transplantant (known as preparation)
transplantation of stem cells
the regenerative period during which, you will be under supervision about side effects and complications

What is the marrow?

The marrow is the porous fabrics being in some bones. It plays important role as contains the special cages known as stem cells.

Stem cells develop other special cages which carry out important functions. Stem cells in a marrow develop three important types of blood little bodies:
rasny blood little bodies which transfer oxygen on an organism
white blood little bodies which help to struggle with infections
plates which help to stop bleedings.

среда, 11 июля 2012 г.

Anna Kovalchuk kept an umbilical blood in the Russian bank "Gemabank" - "Gemafond's" partner

On April 30, 2010 the well-known actress, a star of series "Secrecy of the investigation" and "The master and Margarita", the leading actress of Lensovet Theatre, Anna Kovalchuk gave birth to the son. In July we phoned to Anna, and she told about the pregnancy, childbirth, son Dobryn, the daughter Gold, about daily cares and plans for the future.

Anna, tell, please, about day when you learned about pregnancy? How it was?

We came back from the South. I made the test and in spite of the fact that it showed nothing, took it with myself. When arrived home – looked once again, saw the second stripe and understood that there was a miracle which we with the husband waited some months. And, frankly speaking, already started to worry that pregnancy doesn't come in any way.

You conducted what way of life during pregnancy? How actively worked, went to have a rest?

I went to have a rest to Finland by the car. Tried to conduct an active way of life. But my kid persistently dictated to me that especially активничать it is not necessary. I very quickly was tired, was compelled to be at home. Seldom went shopping, because when came to do shopping, to me at once it became stuffy, heavy, it would be desirable to sit down and not to move. Therefore I decided that the most part of time I will spend at home. Sometimes we left on a visit to friends, were charged from communication with them by positive power.

Than your condition differed from the first pregnancy?

Pregnancy were absolutely different. And children turned out different. The first pregnancy passed very quickly, literally on the run. I was very happy that the daughter in a tummy, all the time with me. In the second time I would like to see the kid as soon as possible. Because of unimportant health, childbirth I looked forward.

You got ready for childbirth, or how to skilled mother, it wasn't necessary for you and you completely relied on the knowledge?

Yes, I relied on the knowledge, on the nature, specially for childbirth didn't prepare and, maybe, in vain. At the time of delivery I incorrectly breathed, and the midwife had to explain me all subtleties of breath in process. I do not know, whether I forgot partially, how it is necessary to breathe, whether and in first labor did it incorrectly. During pregnancy I read special books, magazines, remembered stages of childbirth. But now it is sure that occupations at school for pregnant women should be visited surely.

As all mothers you worry about health of the children. Tell, how you learned about stem cells of an umbilical blood and why made the decision of them to keep.

To me was told about it by my schoolmate. The first time about such service I heard from it. Then began to read about stem cells in magazines. My colleague on theater kept cells of the child, and told me that it is very necessary procedure. I with pleasure used this service.

четверг, 5 июля 2012 г.

During pregnancy future child shares the stem cells with mother

The group of the American scientists of the Medical center Taftsa (Boston, the USA) found out that in an organism of future mother cages of a fruit of three different types circulate. So, studying an organism of mice on late terms of pregnancy, in easy rodents they found cages of a placenta, immune system and stem cells of a fruit. It induced scientists to studying of the mechanism of migration of stem cells of future child, and action of these cages on an organism of mother.

Results of the researches which have been carried out under the direction of doctor Diana Bianka, were published in Biology of Reproduction's Papers-in-Press. Scientists managed to find existence of the mixed population in blood of future mother of the child: cages трофобласта, mesenchymal stem cells and cages of immune system.

Trofoblasta are placentary cages which provide access of a fruit to nutrients. Mesenchymal stem cells - type of cages which can turn into fat, a cartilage or cages of a bone fabric. Researchers assume that these cages (and also immune cages) a fruit in blood of mother are capable to help not to perceive to immune system of the woman a fruit as alien "agent" in an organism and not to "attack" it. Detection of cages трофобласта and immune cages in parent lungs should help further researches with this area. In particular, scientists hope to reveal the mechanism of emergence of complications during pregnancy, and also effect of restoration at damage of parent bodies which allegedly arises thanks to existence of mesenchymal stem cells of a fruit.

Using the latest methods which allowed to receive enough information from only 80 stem cells, scientists can come nearer now to understanding of all complexity of such process as pregnancy, and it is better to understand mechanisms of migration of stem cells. Research of the American scientists from the Medical center Taftsa develop and confirm opening which made before their colleague of New York and Los Angeles. They found out that stem cells of a fruit migrate in the struck bodies of future mother and help them with restoration.

According to the director general of the Ukrainian Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" of Andrey Lakhturov: «Unique properties of stem cells on maintenance of self-updating of bodies and fabrics of our organism made them the most valuable material for studying. Research of stem cells will allow to learn better principles on which our organism functions and to open ways of providing the person health and longevity. Thus already today stem cells are used at treatment more than 100 diseases, the most frequent on application among which is the group of oncological diseases».

Interview of the oncologist and the representative of Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" - Gemafond

Interview of the oncologist and the representative of Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" - Gemafond

Часть 1

Часть 2
Часть 3

среда, 4 июля 2012 г.

As stem cells start production of chest milk during pregnancy

As stem cells start production of chest milk during pregnancy

Как стволовые клетки запускают выработку грудного молока во время беременности,
As stem cells start production of chest milk during pregnancy

суббота, 23 июня 2012 г.

Genetically modified stem cells destroy cancer tumors

Genetically modified stem cells supplied with anti-cancer protein, successfully cope with destruction of malignant tumors.

Apoptoz (photo of Gary of Carlson, Science Photo Library).

Opening was made by scientists of the Center of researches of respiratory diseases at University college of London. Experts managed to change stem cells of a marrow in such a manner that they became capable to move on an organism, to find cancer tumors and to destroy them. Killing of cancer cages occurs to the help of TRAIL protein (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) which starts in them process апоптоза.

Action of deckman cages murderers was successfully tested on laboratory cellular cultures and live mice. In the first experiment genetically changed stem cells destroyed cages of cancer tumors of lungs, a mammary gland, a uterus neck, and also skvamozny cages. During the second experience scientists did hypodermic injections of new stem cells to rodents therefore tumors in their mammary glands decreased by 80 %. Intravenous injections allowed to destroy about 38 % of metastaziruyushchy pulmonary tumors at mice.

Results of experiments look very encouraging. However, according to authors of research, testing of genetically changed stem cells in public will take place not earlier than in two years.

It is prepared on the materials HealthDay News.

среда, 20 июня 2012 г.

AIDS are going to treat stem cells

The stem cells of blood created in vitro, can suppress completely HIV, scientists from the Californian university found.

Earlier scientists revealed a receptor by means of which cages of immune system distinguish and destroy cages with HIV infection. In a human body not enough such receptors.

Microbiologists could clone them, and then simulated stem cells of human blood with the maintenance of the necessary receptor, transfers Today referring to Likar.

Having placed these cages in vilochkovy gland of laboratory animals, scientists found out that artificial stem cells actively participate in immunity formation against HIV and suppress a virus. Scientists count that this opening will help to create methods of treatment of HIV and AIDS.

As reported MIGnews.com.ua, about 20 % of Ukrainians, patients HIV/AIDS, came up against a situation when to them refuse medical care. As showed research, medical workers don't support patients more often, and subject them to discrimination. So, 28 % of respondents faced discrimination, got support of 19 %.

In Tatarstan the doctor, treating by stem cells without the license is detained

For 3 years the man illegally earned 22 million rubles

As wrote before "KP", 47-year-old Vadim Kursenko accuse of illegal business.

The inhabitant of Naberezhnye Chelny of the whole three years, with 2008 on 2011, treated tatarstanets by means of cellular technologies. As it became clear, the man rendered hi-tech medical care without the license. In more detail>>>

In one of chelninsky residential districts it opened private clinic and "treated" such diseases, as multiple sclerosis, cirrhosis, a cancer of a stomach, diabetes, consequences of ChMT, art roses, bronchial asthma, sarcoma and others. In spite of the fact that the room in which the clinic settled down, was equipped with a modern medical technology, it wasn't checked by Ministry of Health of Tatarstan on compliance to the established norms.

According to preliminary data, about 200 people became clients of a predpriimchimovy chelninets. It found patients through acquaintances and a personal Internet site. On treatment came not only from different regions of Russia, but from the near and far abroad.

The consequence believes that for Kursenko's operating time illegally earned about 22 million rubles.

According to accounting documents, generally patients paid off with cash. For example, one injection of "stem cells" cost from 92 to 98 thousand rubles.

Now concerning the doctor the investigatory department of SU of SKR of RT brought criminal case upon «Illegal business». Also a number of the examinations directed on establishment of medical effect of a preparation offered patients is carried out, reports the Ministry of Internal Affairs on RT.

"KP" reference

Kursenko Vadim Vladimirovich - the graduate of Army medical college of S.M.Kirov (1988)

Medical specialties: surgery, therapy, urology.

Since 2002 studies biomedicine. In 2003 executed the first allotransplantations of progenitorny cages. It was trained at Shevchenko S. M. in office of a gravikhirurgiya Kursk in experimental design bureau in 2004, at institute of cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Sankt - Petersburg) in department of cellular cultures at Doctor of Biological Science Pinayev G. P. and Doctor of Biological Science Blinova M. I., worked with experts JSC Trans-Tekhnologii (St.-Petersburg).

Since 2004 – the participant of clinical researches on RGMU protocols, since 2006 – the assistant to chair of hospital surgery of No. of 1 Russian state medical university.

пятница, 15 июня 2012 г.


To keep an umbilical blood it is possible only abroad

In Ukraine service in storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood in Family bank of the umbilical blood "GEMAFOND" is available 5 years. Advisers "GEMAFONDA" work in all regions of Ukraine, and can organize collecting an umbilical blood in any maternity hospital. The collected umbilical blood in due time in special conditions is delivered in capital laboratory for processing and allocation of stem cells. After that «the cellular deposit» is put on a kriokhraneniye in specially equipped kriokhranilishche.
Preservation of stem cells — only business, and all banks of an umbilical blood — the commercial organizations created for earning money

In the developed countries of the world (the USA, Canada, Spain, France, Germany, Japan, etc.) actively function the state banks of an umbilical blood financed by the government. In the USA, for example, preservation of an umbilical blood supports even «A red cross», and in 22 states even the laws obliging doctors beforehand to inform pregnant women about possibility of preservation of an umbilical blood are adopted.

Stem cells can help only with treatment of leukoses

Change of haemo poetic stem cells with which the umbilical blood is improbably rich, really is «a gold standard» in treatment of many forms of leukoses. And already today the umbilical blood is successfully applied in treatment close to 100 other diseases, in particular:

Blood diseases

Sharp and chronic leukoses
Refrakternye and aplastic
Fankoni's anemia
The Paroksizmalny night
Heavy beta талассемия
Crescent and cellular anemia
Multiple myeloma

Oncological diseases:
Cancer of a mammary gland
Ewing's sarcoma
Brain tumors
Cancer of a kidney (tumor
Vilmsa, гипернефрома)
Cancer of yaichnik
Melkokletochny lung cancer
Cancer of small eggs
Timoma (carcinoma тимуса)

Autoimmune diseases
System sklerodermiya
Revmatoidny arthritis
System red volchanka
Diseases of nervous system
Multiple sclerosis
Trauma of a spinal cord
The children's cerebral
Parkinson's illness
Alzheimer's disease

Other diseases:
Congenital immunodeficiencies
Hereditary violations of a metabolism
Diseases of cardiovascular system
Muscular dystrophy

The umbilical blood in Ukraine isn't applied.
It — only prospect of the far future

Despite much smaller financial possibilities, today the Ukrainian scientists and physicians not only don't lag behind the foreign colleagues, and and at times considerably them advance.

Ukrainian to a heart surgery from the Scientific and practical center of children's cardiology and a heart surgery of MOZ of Ukraine became first-ever who developed and applied a unique technique of use of own umbilical blood at heart operations.

Besides, the umbilical blood kept in "GEMAFONDE", was applied to treatment of hypoxemic defeat of a brain at the senior sister with significant clinical improvement.

Collecting an umbilical blood — it is painful and dangerous

Collecting an umbilical blood — is absolutely painless and harmless procedure which is led without contact to the child, no more than 10 minutes last and can be made both at natural childbirth, and at Cesarean section.

Storage of an umbilical blood costs very expensively?

In many countries of the world preservation of an umbilical blood is financed by the state. In Ukraine this service paid, but its cost is available to an average Ukrainian family and besides also it is economically justified. After all collecting and storage of an umbilical blood within 3 years costs as much, how many 50 packs of diapers or an annual insurance of the car. And, for example, storage of own umbilical blood, even throughout all life, will cost tens times cheaper, than a donor sample of a marrow or an umbilical blood (and it provided that the compatible sample will be found).

What is the umbilical blood and why it to keep?

Recently service in collecting and storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood causes the increasing and big interest of scientists, doctors and, certainly, future parents. The last, as a rule, have a little truthful information about similar service which became available in Ukraine about five years ago. Let's try to understand: what is the umbilical blood and why it to keep.

By science it is proved that each kid is born with additional immunity on an illness case. It is a small amount of blood which remains in placenta vessels after umbilical cord cutting. Each milliliter of an umbilical blood — worth its weight in gold, after all this blood is improbably rich with invaluable stem cells.

About stem cells even the people who are very far from medicine already heard. But such information can be not absolutely correct. After all quite often mass media, wishing to draw of attention of readers, modifies medical value and experience of application of stem cells. So such stem cells and why physicians of the whole world advise to future parents them to keep?

Stem cells — it is an organism fundamental principle — the first and universal cages with which life of each of us began. They turn into any specialized cages in an organism — cells of a liver, heart, skin... From these cages in vitro it is possible to grow up practically any body.

Opening of properties of stem cells became the real revolution in medicine, having based a new era of «cellular medicine».

Today, with use of stem cells, new approaches to treatment of AIDS, a cancer, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's illness, a myocardial infarction, a stroke and many other are developed. And existing already more than 20 years a technique of transplantation of a marrow (recognized «a gold standard» in treatment of many forms of leukoses) no other than intravenous introduction of krovetvorny stem cells.

The most widespread source of stem cells is the marrow, however its clinical use is connected with considerable difficulties. It, first of all, complexity of search of the compatible donor. Time necessary for this purpose, is sometimes measured for years whereas for the patient each hour matters. The second complexity is high cost of a sample of a marrow — about 40 000 euros.

Fortunately, scientists found out that the umbilical blood, as well as a marrow, contains stem cells, and in much bigger quantity and considerably the best quality. So today funic the shelter gains ground in treatment of a serious illness as alternative to a marrow, and behind official data rescued already about 15 000 lives.

Therefore in the developed countries of the world already more than 20 years ago were created and now banks of an umbilical blood successfully function, and storage of an umbilical blood of the newborns became for parents of these countries the same habitual business, as for us a payment for a garden, school or institute.

Modern technologies allow to keep in the conditions of ultralow temperatures stem cells infinitely long without loss of their properties, and, on a case, successfully to use them for the medical purposes.

Stem cells: conjectures and facts

The world from time immemorial feverishly looks for the miracle cures, capable to recover health, youth and beauty. For everything fantastic petty tyrants of type «are known bring that — I do not know that»: molodilny apples, water of life, youth elixir.

Some in hope to become краше even in a tub with boiled water ничтоже сумняшеся rushed. But fairy tales fairy tales and our science how came nearer to universal dream? About it we talk to the academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the honored worker of a science and equipment, the winner of the state awards of the USSR, USSR and Ukraine, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the director of Institute of problems of a cryobiology and криомедицины NAN of Ukraine, the head of a chair of obstetrics and HGMU gynecology Valentin Ivanovich Grishchenko.

The mankind never will calm down
The mankind, probably, never will calm down, inventing the means prolonging life, health, youth. The cryobiology for certain already told a loaded word and about it?

Here possibilities at a cryobiology the very big. We in Ukraine and even in the world in many respects carried out pioneer functions. With stem cells we started to work still in 80х years when and names of it didn't hear many. Embryonic fabrics are used long ago for rejuvenation. By the way, in due time them entered to very known and influential people — to Brezhnev, Nixon, etc. Them it, of course, helped, but thus there was improbably big risk of infection through an abortive material — hepatitis C, for example. And the cryobiology is capable to make introduction of such preparations completely safe from the point of view of infections. To check that is entered, it is usually necessary some days, and during this time a material can decay.

stem cells work and develop video

Video on how stem cells work and develop

As stem cells work at stroke treatment
By numerous experiments on animals and clinical tests it is shown that transplantation of stem cells of a marrow promotes the fastest restoration after a stroke. But mechanisms of work of these cages are still insufficiently clear, and work of Japanese scientists from Hokkaido University School of Medicine in Sapporo is devoted to their studying.

In their research executed on mice by methods of an autoradiografiya and an immunohistochemistry was showed that introduction of stromalny cells of a marrow improves function of receptors specific to nervous cages gamma аминомаслянной acids (GABA). Cells of a marrow were genetically marked with green fluorescing protein and before introduction were cultivated in laboratory. Transplantation was carried out in стриатум in 7 days after the stroke caused to a perezhatiy cerebral artery. The transplanted cages migrated in periinfarktny area and regenerations of a nervous fabric promoted, restoring functions of a brain and eliminating neurologic symptoms of an illness. In 4 weeks after introduction the number of cages with GABA receptors in periinfarktny area was much higher, than at animals of control group whom cages didn't enter. Besides, a part of donor cages экспрессировала a characteristic marker of neurons - microtubule-associated protein 2.

пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

In alopecia guilty of stem cells

Baldness is known to "scourge" of men. But this is not true, because women who abuse hair dryer and hair dyes are also facing this problem. And now, scientists in Pennsylvania found that hair loss, which leads to hair loss, a significant role played by stem cells. Studies of such direction by Professor Georges Kotsarelis. It was found that in hair follicles located on the head, regardless of the thickness of cover, there is one and the same number of stem cells . Also, experts have found that while the appearance of bald patches in those areas found another type of cell. This is because the name "progenitor cells", whose essence lies in the inhibition of stem cells , rather than reducing their number, as previously thought. Years ago, a group led by the same Kotsarelisa, was able to hold a series of experiments on mice, whose purpose was to determine whether the application will help embryonic stem cells to stimulate hair growth or not. The experimental results were positive. Later, Japanese scientists have been using stem cells extracted from the teeth of mice were able to conduct a similar experiment, which is also a success. The growth rate in this case increased by 60%, the Market Leader .