пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

In alopecia guilty of stem cells

Baldness is known to "scourge" of men. But this is not true, because women who abuse hair dryer and hair dyes are also facing this problem. And now, scientists in Pennsylvania found that hair loss, which leads to hair loss, a significant role played by stem cells. Studies of such direction by Professor Georges Kotsarelis. It was found that in hair follicles located on the head, regardless of the thickness of cover, there is one and the same number of stem cells . Also, experts have found that while the appearance of bald patches in those areas found another type of cell. This is because the name "progenitor cells", whose essence lies in the inhibition of stem cells , rather than reducing their number, as previously thought. Years ago, a group led by the same Kotsarelisa, was able to hold a series of experiments on mice, whose purpose was to determine whether the application will help embryonic stem cells to stimulate hair growth or not. The experimental results were positive. Later, Japanese scientists have been using stem cells extracted from the teeth of mice were able to conduct a similar experiment, which is also a success. The growth rate in this case increased by 60%, the Market Leader .

In the breast milk of human stem cells is

Group of Australian scientists have found pluripotent stem cells in breast milk.These cells are distinguished by a great resemblance to embryonic. Up to this point, to make such a discovery in the human body could not have anyone. the first time about such a discovery was reported in 2008 by the same Australian scientists. On the basis of experiments with these cells, the researchers found that in vitro cells are relatively easy to differentiate into any type of tissue. In other words, these cells are pluripotent , or versatile. Moreover, these experiments showed that the obtained cells synthesize most of the protein markers characteristic of embryonic cells . scientist, member of the research team conducted the study, Foteini Hassiotou stressed that the number of stem cells in breast milk is about two percent of all cells. By scientific standards, this percentage is still quite high. But in this case it is necessary to add that their ratio may vary depending on the time and volume of milk production. But as the biological purpose of found stem cells , this question remains a mystery. more to present the results of their research, scientists gather at the International Symposium on lactation and breastfeeding, which will take place in early 2012 in Vienna. This discovery has been the subject of serious disputes. Experts from the National Institute for Medical Research in London, argued that the results of these experiments are not reliable, and find - incredible. Whatever it was, to prove the versatility of stem cells found in the cellar. To do this, one has only to enter them into mice, as a result there is need to develop swollen from human tissue . If Australian scientists will be able to confirm their findings through a series of experiments, the breast milk can be a very valuable source for obtaining pluripotent stem cells, which will no ethical differences apply them to medicine.

Stem cells are the next generation

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin), USA, found a new way to turn human skin cells into stem cells without using viruses or exotic genes. team of researchers led by James Thomson (James Thomson) has created stem cells, using plasmids - circular DNA molecule which carries the genes necessary for the transformation of skin cells into stem cells. After a while plasmid disappears from the cell population in a natural way. This is unlike the previously used methodology, reports Reuters. biotechnologists previously received stem cells from normal human cells using viruses as a "vehicle" for delivering genes into the cell needed to reprogram it. However, there exist risks: viruses can insert into the cell's genetic material harmful genes and disrupt the function of genes necessary. There was also another way: the stem cells extracted from embryos of age in a few days. new technique allows to obtain the stem cells of the unique qualities that can be used to develop cures for various diseases. In addition, the ethical problems will disappear, because stem cells can be produced without the need to destroy a human embryo. Recall that the stem cells - a primary, unspecialized cells that can form any of the 350 tissues. In the adult human stem cells are located mainly in the bone marrow and in small amounts in all organs and tissues. If you violate in any organ, they find the area of damage and compensate for lost function. This property of stem cells makes them the main object of study of regenerative medicine. In January, British scientists have begun an experiment to test therapies using stem cells in stroke patients. Doctors will make the subject patients to the injection into the brain of embryonic stem cells. It is expected that stem cells can renew themselves, will repair damaged as a result of stroke, a brain region that will improve the mental and motor skills of patients.

Stem cells are the future of the child to protect the cardiovascular system of the mother

A group of scientists, which included representatives from several universities in the United States made ​​a sensational discovery - is the unborn child, while in the womb, helps her deal with diseases of the cardiovascular system by using their own stem cells . Researchers conducted a large-scale work, which was aimed at a detailed study of the phenomena of microchimerism . The researchers managed to obtain experimental evidence that stem cells of the fetus are able to migrate into damaged areas of the cardiovascular system of the mother, and thus "restore" these sites. reason that gave rise to the investigation was unusual statistics. In analyzing the statistics of cases on cardiomyopathy , the researchers noticed that 50% of pregnant women, the disease disappears by itself, without any treatment. In order to determine the cause of this phenomenon, scientists conducted studies on mice and thus used green fluorescent protein . During the experiment, it was noticed a strange effect of stem cells of the fetus in the mother's body. The essence of the effect was that the stem cells in contact with the child in the bloodstream of mother, they respond to so-called signals of "help" and immediately "rush" fix it "a problem". Due to its properties, stem cells are transformed into the missing components of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the disease disappears by itself. It is worth noting that scientists are in no hurry to finish his experiment and decided to check how will affect fetal stem cells into other tissues of the body of the mother. But in this case, they have once again confirmed that the stem cells provide assistance only to areas hit by cardiomyopathy . The researchers then identified these cells. It turned out that they have a very high potential for transformation in cardiovascular tissue. This ability is manifested even in laboratory conditions. Based on the materials

понедельник, 7 мая 2012 г.

Мобилизация стволовых клеток

Когда донор периферических сбор стволовых клеток в 4-6 дней, эндогенных гормонов, как вещества, вещества посланник G-CSF (гранулоцит-колониестимулирующий фактор) вводят. Этот препарат стимулирует выработку белых кровяных клеток, а также вызывает более чем стволовые клетки происходят из костного мозга в кровь, из которой они могут быть собраны специальные донорства крови.

G-CSF вводят в виде инъекций под кожу.Обработки и введения препарата, мы подробно объяснить, в день предварительного следствия. Мы также предоставим вам с заявлением в письменной форме и фотографии. Доноры получить номер телефона, где мы находимся круглосуточно в течение подготовительного этапа.

Что такое стволовые клетки крови, как их извлечь?

Извлечение стволовых клеток из периферической крови в настоящее время в основном используется метод. Здесь каждый получает необходимые стволовые клетки для трансплантации из венозной крови доноров. Поэтому, во-первых, количество стволовых клеток увеличивается в крови. Это требует предварительной обработки донора эндогенных цитокинов, веществ посланник Г-КСФ требуется
(Подробнее см.: мобилизация стволовых клеток крови).

Будущее терапии на ростет

Врачи взяли стволовые клетки из переводов в Германии в год. В целях создания этой новой терапии, который успешно до 90 процентов.
Все больше и больше пациентов пользу от трансплантации стволовых клеток. Точно так же пациенты с лейкемией и лимфомой, как трансплантация, для которых они ранее не оказаться под вопросом, профессор Норберт Шмитц заявил на конгрессе Европейской группы крови и трансплантации костного мозга (EBMT) в Гамбурге. Поскольку методы стали дружественными, они теперь также доступны для пожилых пациентов. Кроме того, подавление иммунного ответа возможности стволовых клеток предлагаем переводы хотя и не идеальный матч между донором и реципиентом сделать, сказал профессор Аксель Цандер.

Нет преувеличенные надежды

В 2004 году было 5200 трансплантаций стволовых клеток в Германии за 2005 год в настоящее время не общие цифры. Из них автогеном 3300, стволовые клетки самих пациентов были пожертвованы в 1900 случаях, членов семьи или посторонних кроветворных стволовых клеток из костного мозга, например. Для 80 процентов пациентов, у которых не было донора в семье, врачи смогут найти зарубежных доноров.Успех трансплантации в соответствии с диагнозом находится 20-90 процентов, сказал председатель Конгресса Schmitz. Только от десяти до 15 процентов пациентов требуется два и более переводов стволовых клеток, как обычно, была пересадка.

Schmitz предостерегает от преувеличенных надежд новых месторождений лечения. Хотя есть исследования стволовых клеток, лечение после сердечного приступа, но результаты были трудными для интерпретации. "Я думаю, в любом случае, что стволовые клетки с проблемой Herzinfaktes решается".

В EBMT конгресса 2006 »принимают около 3400 врачей и медсестер из разных стран мира.