среда, 18 июля 2012 г.

Physicians use the best efforts, that stem cells found application quicker. And whether any real help is possible from society?

In discussion take part:

The academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of Institute of experimental cardiology Kardiokompleksa of MZ Russian Federation in Moscow, professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Smirnov.

The doctor of medical sciences, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the head of office of chemotherapy гемобластозов and transplantations of a marrow of the Gematologichesky Russian Academy of Medical Science scientific center in Moscow, the professor Valery Grigoryevich Savchenko. The candidate of medical sciences, the Dr.Sci.Biol., the leading research associate of Scientific and practical laboratory of stem cells of the person of Institute of experimental cardiology Kardiokompleksa MZ Russian Federation in Moscow Yury Askoldovich Romanov.

Stem cells are the still far myth or already reality? There are any practical results of their use?

V. Savchenko: Today stem cells are widely and successfully applied, as a matter of fact, only in hematology. More precisely, in a blood cancer therapy. With their help we achieve amazing results. If in certain cases efficiency of chemotherapy at cancer patients makes only 30 %, with application of stem cells – 60 %.

V. Smirnov: Some time ago the European committee on treatment of multiple sclerosis published recommendations about application of stem cells in treatment of this disease. Here stem cells "do" what couldn't achieve several years ago. Namely – the illness fades at a certain level and doesn't progress. This great achievement.

– What is the stem cells and in what their curative force consists?

V. Smirnov: Each of us has stem cells. These are peculiar spare parts which help an organism to be restored if in its harmonious work there was any failure. Cages happen two types: krovetvorny and stromalny. The first serve only for formation of the new blood cells, the second – for all other fabrics. Krovetvornye stem cells contain in a marrow

– "the central warehouse of spare parts". A few stromalny cages are in each fabric – on a case of updating or small breakage, and their main quantity – all in the same marrow.

Uniqueness of stem cells – in their "immortality". The matter is that they are capable to share not how usual cages which breed symmetrically. At division of one cage there are two native "daughters" similar to "mother". Stem cells usually share in a different way: they too give two affiliated. But one of them is similar parent, and another – absolutely other, is formed of it a concrete fabric. Such division gives the chance to help another and at the same time to keep itself – therefore stem cells there lives so much, how many the person.

In recent years treatment, to be exact, change of stem cells is a perspective way of fight against various illnesses.

– If it is change, means, cages need to be taken at first from where. What it for sources?

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