воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.

Marrow transplantation

Marrow transplantation (also known as transplantation of stem cells) includes collecting healthy stem cells to fill a marrow of the patient. New stem cells take up production of blood cages.

Under some circumstances, there can be possible a capture of your own marrow from other part of your body (it is known as an autotransplantatsiya). The marrow can be cleared of any sick cages before return

The marrow transplant - As it is carried out

Stages of process of transplantation

Process of transplantation consists of three stages:
medical examination of an organism and general state of health
receiving stem cells which will be used in transplantation (known as collecting)
preparation of your body for a transplantant (known as preparation)
transplantation of stem cells
the regenerative period during which, you will be under supervision about side effects and complications

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