четверг, 5 июля 2012 г.

During pregnancy future child shares the stem cells with mother

The group of the American scientists of the Medical center Taftsa (Boston, the USA) found out that in an organism of future mother cages of a fruit of three different types circulate. So, studying an organism of mice on late terms of pregnancy, in easy rodents they found cages of a placenta, immune system and stem cells of a fruit. It induced scientists to studying of the mechanism of migration of stem cells of future child, and action of these cages on an organism of mother.

Results of the researches which have been carried out under the direction of doctor Diana Bianka, were published in Biology of Reproduction's Papers-in-Press. Scientists managed to find existence of the mixed population in blood of future mother of the child: cages трофобласта, mesenchymal stem cells and cages of immune system.

Trofoblasta are placentary cages which provide access of a fruit to nutrients. Mesenchymal stem cells - type of cages which can turn into fat, a cartilage or cages of a bone fabric. Researchers assume that these cages (and also immune cages) a fruit in blood of mother are capable to help not to perceive to immune system of the woman a fruit as alien "agent" in an organism and not to "attack" it. Detection of cages трофобласта and immune cages in parent lungs should help further researches with this area. In particular, scientists hope to reveal the mechanism of emergence of complications during pregnancy, and also effect of restoration at damage of parent bodies which allegedly arises thanks to existence of mesenchymal stem cells of a fruit.

Using the latest methods which allowed to receive enough information from only 80 stem cells, scientists can come nearer now to understanding of all complexity of such process as pregnancy, and it is better to understand mechanisms of migration of stem cells. Research of the American scientists from the Medical center Taftsa develop and confirm opening which made before their colleague of New York and Los Angeles. They found out that stem cells of a fruit migrate in the struck bodies of future mother and help them with restoration.

According to the director general of the Ukrainian Family bank of an umbilical blood "Gemafond" of Andrey Lakhturov: «Unique properties of stem cells on maintenance of self-updating of bodies and fabrics of our organism made them the most valuable material for studying. Research of stem cells will allow to learn better principles on which our organism functions and to open ways of providing the person health and longevity. Thus already today stem cells are used at treatment more than 100 diseases, the most frequent on application among which is the group of oncological diseases».

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