пятница, 15 июня 2012 г.


To keep an umbilical blood it is possible only abroad

In Ukraine service in storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood in Family bank of the umbilical blood "GEMAFOND" is available 5 years. Advisers "GEMAFONDA" work in all regions of Ukraine, and can organize collecting an umbilical blood in any maternity hospital. The collected umbilical blood in due time in special conditions is delivered in capital laboratory for processing and allocation of stem cells. After that «the cellular deposit» is put on a kriokhraneniye in specially equipped kriokhranilishche.
Preservation of stem cells — only business, and all banks of an umbilical blood — the commercial organizations created for earning money

In the developed countries of the world (the USA, Canada, Spain, France, Germany, Japan, etc.) actively function the state banks of an umbilical blood financed by the government. In the USA, for example, preservation of an umbilical blood supports even «A red cross», and in 22 states even the laws obliging doctors beforehand to inform pregnant women about possibility of preservation of an umbilical blood are adopted.

Stem cells can help only with treatment of leukoses

Change of haemo poetic stem cells with which the umbilical blood is improbably rich, really is «a gold standard» in treatment of many forms of leukoses. And already today the umbilical blood is successfully applied in treatment close to 100 other diseases, in particular:

Blood diseases

Sharp and chronic leukoses
Refrakternye and aplastic
Fankoni's anemia
The Paroksizmalny night
Heavy beta талассемия
Crescent and cellular anemia
Multiple myeloma

Oncological diseases:
Cancer of a mammary gland
Ewing's sarcoma
Brain tumors
Cancer of a kidney (tumor
Vilmsa, гипернефрома)
Cancer of yaichnik
Melkokletochny lung cancer
Cancer of small eggs
Timoma (carcinoma тимуса)

Autoimmune diseases
System sklerodermiya
Revmatoidny arthritis
System red volchanka
Diseases of nervous system
Multiple sclerosis
Trauma of a spinal cord
The children's cerebral
Parkinson's illness
Alzheimer's disease

Other diseases:
Congenital immunodeficiencies
Hereditary violations of a metabolism
Diseases of cardiovascular system
Muscular dystrophy

The umbilical blood in Ukraine isn't applied.
It — only prospect of the far future

Despite much smaller financial possibilities, today the Ukrainian scientists and physicians not only don't lag behind the foreign colleagues, and and at times considerably them advance.

Ukrainian to a heart surgery from the Scientific and practical center of children's cardiology and a heart surgery of MOZ of Ukraine became first-ever who developed and applied a unique technique of use of own umbilical blood at heart operations.

Besides, the umbilical blood kept in "GEMAFONDE", was applied to treatment of hypoxemic defeat of a brain at the senior sister with significant clinical improvement.

Collecting an umbilical blood — it is painful and dangerous

Collecting an umbilical blood — is absolutely painless and harmless procedure which is led without contact to the child, no more than 10 minutes last and can be made both at natural childbirth, and at Cesarean section.

Storage of an umbilical blood costs very expensively?

In many countries of the world preservation of an umbilical blood is financed by the state. In Ukraine this service paid, but its cost is available to an average Ukrainian family and besides also it is economically justified. After all collecting and storage of an umbilical blood within 3 years costs as much, how many 50 packs of diapers or an annual insurance of the car. And, for example, storage of own umbilical blood, even throughout all life, will cost tens times cheaper, than a donor sample of a marrow or an umbilical blood (and it provided that the compatible sample will be found).

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