суббота, 23 июня 2012 г.

Genetically modified stem cells destroy cancer tumors

Genetically modified stem cells supplied with anti-cancer protein, successfully cope with destruction of malignant tumors.

Apoptoz (photo of Gary of Carlson, Science Photo Library).

Opening was made by scientists of the Center of researches of respiratory diseases at University college of London. Experts managed to change stem cells of a marrow in such a manner that they became capable to move on an organism, to find cancer tumors and to destroy them. Killing of cancer cages occurs to the help of TRAIL protein (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) which starts in them process апоптоза.

Action of deckman cages murderers was successfully tested on laboratory cellular cultures and live mice. In the first experiment genetically changed stem cells destroyed cages of cancer tumors of lungs, a mammary gland, a uterus neck, and also skvamozny cages. During the second experience scientists did hypodermic injections of new stem cells to rodents therefore tumors in their mammary glands decreased by 80 %. Intravenous injections allowed to destroy about 38 % of metastaziruyushchy pulmonary tumors at mice.

Results of experiments look very encouraging. However, according to authors of research, testing of genetically changed stem cells in public will take place not earlier than in two years.

It is prepared on the materials HealthDay News.

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