суббота, 23 июня 2012 г.
Genetically modified stem cells destroy cancer tumors
Genetically modified stem cells supplied with anti-cancer protein, successfully cope with destruction of malignant tumors.
Apoptoz (photo of Gary of Carlson, Science Photo Library).
Opening was made by scientists of the Center of researches of respiratory diseases at University college of London. Experts managed to change stem cells of a marrow in such a manner that they became capable to move on an organism, to find cancer tumors and to destroy them. Killing of cancer cages occurs to the help of TRAIL protein (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) which starts in them process апоптоза.
Action of deckman cages murderers was successfully tested on laboratory cellular cultures and live mice. In the first experiment genetically changed stem cells destroyed cages of cancer tumors of lungs, a mammary gland, a uterus neck, and also skvamozny cages. During the second experience scientists did hypodermic injections of new stem cells to rodents therefore tumors in their mammary glands decreased by 80 %. Intravenous injections allowed to destroy about 38 % of metastaziruyushchy pulmonary tumors at mice.
Results of experiments look very encouraging. However, according to authors of research, testing of genetically changed stem cells in public will take place not earlier than in two years.
It is prepared on the materials HealthDay News.
среда, 20 июня 2012 г.
AIDS are going to treat stem cells
The stem cells of blood created in vitro, can suppress completely HIV, scientists from the Californian university found.
Earlier scientists revealed a receptor by means of which cages of immune system distinguish and destroy cages with HIV infection. In a human body not enough such receptors.
Microbiologists could clone them, and then simulated stem cells of human blood with the maintenance of the necessary receptor, transfers Today referring to Likar.
Having placed these cages in vilochkovy gland of laboratory animals, scientists found out that artificial stem cells actively participate in immunity formation against HIV and suppress a virus. Scientists count that this opening will help to create methods of treatment of HIV and AIDS.
As reported MIGnews.com.ua, about 20 % of Ukrainians, patients HIV/AIDS, came up against a situation when to them refuse medical care. As showed research, medical workers don't support patients more often, and subject them to discrimination. So, 28 % of respondents faced discrimination, got support of 19 %.
In Tatarstan the doctor, treating by stem cells without the license is detained
For 3 years the man illegally earned 22 million rubles
As wrote before "KP", 47-year-old Vadim Kursenko accuse of illegal business.
The inhabitant of Naberezhnye Chelny of the whole three years, with 2008 on 2011, treated tatarstanets by means of cellular technologies. As it became clear, the man rendered hi-tech medical care without the license. In more detail>>>
In one of chelninsky residential districts it opened private clinic and "treated" such diseases, as multiple sclerosis, cirrhosis, a cancer of a stomach, diabetes, consequences of ChMT, art roses, bronchial asthma, sarcoma and others. In spite of the fact that the room in which the clinic settled down, was equipped with a modern medical technology, it wasn't checked by Ministry of Health of Tatarstan on compliance to the established norms.
According to preliminary data, about 200 people became clients of a predpriimchimovy chelninets. It found patients through acquaintances and a personal Internet site. On treatment came not only from different regions of Russia, but from the near and far abroad.
The consequence believes that for Kursenko's operating time illegally earned about 22 million rubles.
According to accounting documents, generally patients paid off with cash. For example, one injection of "stem cells" cost from 92 to 98 thousand rubles.
Now concerning the doctor the investigatory department of SU of SKR of RT brought criminal case upon «Illegal business». Also a number of the examinations directed on establishment of medical effect of a preparation offered patients is carried out, reports the Ministry of Internal Affairs on RT.
"KP" reference
Kursenko Vadim Vladimirovich - the graduate of Army medical college of S.M.Kirov (1988)
Medical specialties: surgery, therapy, urology.
Since 2002 studies biomedicine. In 2003 executed the first allotransplantations of progenitorny cages. It was trained at Shevchenko S. M. in office of a gravikhirurgiya Kursk in experimental design bureau in 2004, at institute of cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Sankt - Petersburg) in department of cellular cultures at Doctor of Biological Science Pinayev G. P. and Doctor of Biological Science Blinova M. I., worked with experts JSC Trans-Tekhnologii (St.-Petersburg).
Since 2004 – the participant of clinical researches on RGMU protocols, since 2006 – the assistant to chair of hospital surgery of No. of 1 Russian state medical university.
пятница, 15 июня 2012 г.
To keep an umbilical blood it is possible only abroad
In Ukraine service in storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood in Family bank of the umbilical blood "GEMAFOND" is available 5 years. Advisers "GEMAFONDA" work in all regions of Ukraine, and can organize collecting an umbilical blood in any maternity hospital. The collected umbilical blood in due time in special conditions is delivered in capital laboratory for processing and allocation of stem cells. After that «the cellular deposit» is put on a kriokhraneniye in specially equipped kriokhranilishche.
Preservation of stem cells — only business, and all banks of an umbilical blood — the commercial organizations created for earning money
In the developed countries of the world (the USA, Canada, Spain, France, Germany, Japan, etc.) actively function the state banks of an umbilical blood financed by the government. In the USA, for example, preservation of an umbilical blood supports even «A red cross», and in 22 states even the laws obliging doctors beforehand to inform pregnant women about possibility of preservation of an umbilical blood are adopted.
Change of haemo poetic stem cells with which the umbilical blood is improbably rich, really is «a gold standard» in treatment of many forms of leukoses. And already today the umbilical blood is successfully applied in treatment close to 100 other diseases, in particular:
Blood diseases
Sharp and chronic leukoses
Refrakternye and aplastic
Fankoni's anemia
The Paroksizmalny night
Heavy beta талассемия
Crescent and cellular anemia
Multiple myeloma
Oncological diseases:
Cancer of a mammary gland
Ewing's sarcoma
Brain tumors
Cancer of a kidney (tumor
Vilmsa, гипернефрома)
Cancer of yaichnik
Melkokletochny lung cancer
Cancer of small eggs
Timoma (carcinoma тимуса)
Autoimmune diseases
System sklerodermiya
Revmatoidny arthritis
System red volchanka
Diseases of nervous system
Multiple sclerosis
Trauma of a spinal cord
The children's cerebral
Parkinson's illness
Alzheimer's disease
Other diseases:
Congenital immunodeficiencies
Hereditary violations of a metabolism
Diseases of cardiovascular system
Muscular dystrophy
The umbilical blood in Ukraine isn't applied.
It — only prospect of the far future
Despite much smaller financial possibilities, today the Ukrainian scientists and physicians not only don't lag behind the foreign colleagues, and and at times considerably them advance.
Ukrainian to a heart surgery from the Scientific and practical center of children's cardiology and a heart surgery of MOZ of Ukraine became first-ever who developed and applied a unique technique of use of own umbilical blood at heart operations.
Besides, the umbilical blood kept in "GEMAFONDE", was applied to treatment of hypoxemic defeat of a brain at the senior sister with significant clinical improvement.
Collecting an umbilical blood — it is painful and dangerous
Collecting an umbilical blood — is absolutely painless and harmless procedure which is led without contact to the child, no more than 10 minutes last and can be made both at natural childbirth, and at Cesarean section.
Storage of an umbilical blood costs very expensively?
In many countries of the world preservation of an umbilical blood is financed by the state. In Ukraine this service paid, but its cost is available to an average Ukrainian family and besides also it is economically justified. After all collecting and storage of an umbilical blood within 3 years costs as much, how many 50 packs of diapers or an annual insurance of the car. And, for example, storage of own umbilical blood, even throughout all life, will cost tens times cheaper, than a donor sample of a marrow or an umbilical blood (and it provided that the compatible sample will be found).
What is the umbilical blood and why it to keep?
Recently service in collecting and storage of stem cells of an umbilical blood causes the increasing and big interest of scientists, doctors and, certainly, future parents. The last, as a rule, have a little truthful information about similar service which became available in Ukraine about five years ago. Let's try to understand: what is the umbilical blood and why it to keep.
By science it is proved that each kid is born with additional immunity on an illness case. It is a small amount of blood which remains in placenta vessels after umbilical cord cutting. Each milliliter of an umbilical blood — worth its weight in gold, after all this blood is improbably rich with invaluable stem cells.
About stem cells even the people who are very far from medicine already heard. But such information can be not absolutely correct. After all quite often mass media, wishing to draw of attention of readers, modifies medical value and experience of application of stem cells. So such stem cells and why physicians of the whole world advise to future parents them to keep?
Stem cells — it is an organism fundamental principle — the first and universal cages with which life of each of us began. They turn into any specialized cages in an organism — cells of a liver, heart, skin... From these cages in vitro it is possible to grow up practically any body.
Opening of properties of stem cells became the real revolution in medicine, having based a new era of «cellular medicine».
Today, with use of stem cells, new approaches to treatment of AIDS, a cancer, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's illness, a myocardial infarction, a stroke and many other are developed. And existing already more than 20 years a technique of transplantation of a marrow (recognized «a gold standard» in treatment of many forms of leukoses) no other than intravenous introduction of krovetvorny stem cells.
The most widespread source of stem cells is the marrow, however its clinical use is connected with considerable difficulties. It, first of all, complexity of search of the compatible donor. Time necessary for this purpose, is sometimes measured for years whereas for the patient each hour matters. The second complexity is high cost of a sample of a marrow — about 40 000 euros.
Fortunately, scientists found out that the umbilical blood, as well as a marrow, contains stem cells, and in much bigger quantity and considerably the best quality. So today funic the shelter gains ground in treatment of a serious illness as alternative to a marrow, and behind official data rescued already about 15 000 lives.
Therefore in the developed countries of the world already more than 20 years ago were created and now banks of an umbilical blood successfully function, and storage of an umbilical blood of the newborns became for parents of these countries the same habitual business, as for us a payment for a garden, school or institute.
Modern technologies allow to keep in the conditions of ultralow temperatures stem cells infinitely long without loss of their properties, and, on a case, successfully to use them for the medical purposes.
Stem cells: conjectures and facts
The world from time immemorial feverishly looks for the miracle cures, capable to recover health, youth and beauty. For everything fantastic petty tyrants of type «are known bring that — I do not know that»: molodilny apples, water of life, youth elixir.
Some in hope to become краше even in a tub with boiled water ничтоже сумняшеся rushed. But fairy tales fairy tales and our science how came nearer to universal dream? About it we talk to the academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the honored worker of a science and equipment, the winner of the state awards of the USSR, USSR and Ukraine, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the director of Institute of problems of a cryobiology and криомедицины NAN of Ukraine, the head of a chair of obstetrics and HGMU gynecology Valentin Ivanovich Grishchenko.
The mankind never will calm down
The mankind, probably, never will calm down, inventing the means prolonging life, health, youth. The cryobiology for certain already told a loaded word and about it?
Here possibilities at a cryobiology the very big. We in Ukraine and even in the world in many respects carried out pioneer functions. With stem cells we started to work still in 80х years when and names of it didn't hear many. Embryonic fabrics are used long ago for rejuvenation. By the way, in due time them entered to very known and influential people — to Brezhnev, Nixon, etc. Them it, of course, helped, but thus there was improbably big risk of infection through an abortive material — hepatitis C, for example. And the cryobiology is capable to make introduction of such preparations completely safe from the point of view of infections. To check that is entered, it is usually necessary some days, and during this time a material can decay.
The mankind never will calm down
The mankind, probably, never will calm down, inventing the means prolonging life, health, youth. The cryobiology for certain already told a loaded word and about it?
Here possibilities at a cryobiology the very big. We in Ukraine and even in the world in many respects carried out pioneer functions. With stem cells we started to work still in 80х years when and names of it didn't hear many. Embryonic fabrics are used long ago for rejuvenation. By the way, in due time them entered to very known and influential people — to Brezhnev, Nixon, etc. Them it, of course, helped, but thus there was improbably big risk of infection through an abortive material — hepatitis C, for example. And the cryobiology is capable to make introduction of such preparations completely safe from the point of view of infections. To check that is entered, it is usually necessary some days, and during this time a material can decay.
stem cells work and develop video
Video on how stem cells work and develop
As stem cells work at stroke treatment
By numerous experiments on animals and clinical tests it is shown that transplantation of stem cells of a marrow promotes the fastest restoration after a stroke. But mechanisms of work of these cages are still insufficiently clear, and work of Japanese scientists from Hokkaido University School of Medicine in Sapporo is devoted to their studying.
In their research executed on mice by methods of an autoradiografiya and an immunohistochemistry was showed that introduction of stromalny cells of a marrow improves function of receptors specific to nervous cages gamma аминомаслянной acids (GABA). Cells of a marrow were genetically marked with green fluorescing protein and before introduction were cultivated in laboratory. Transplantation was carried out in стриатум in 7 days after the stroke caused to a perezhatiy cerebral artery. The transplanted cages migrated in periinfarktny area and regenerations of a nervous fabric promoted, restoring functions of a brain and eliminating neurologic symptoms of an illness. In 4 weeks after introduction the number of cages with GABA receptors in periinfarktny area was much higher, than at animals of control group whom cages didn't enter. Besides, a part of donor cages экспрессировала a characteristic marker of neurons - microtubule-associated protein 2.
By numerous experiments on animals and clinical tests it is shown that transplantation of stem cells of a marrow promotes the fastest restoration after a stroke. But mechanisms of work of these cages are still insufficiently clear, and work of Japanese scientists from Hokkaido University School of Medicine in Sapporo is devoted to their studying.
In their research executed on mice by methods of an autoradiografiya and an immunohistochemistry was showed that introduction of stromalny cells of a marrow improves function of receptors specific to nervous cages gamma аминомаслянной acids (GABA). Cells of a marrow were genetically marked with green fluorescing protein and before introduction were cultivated in laboratory. Transplantation was carried out in стриатум in 7 days after the stroke caused to a perezhatiy cerebral artery. The transplanted cages migrated in periinfarktny area and regenerations of a nervous fabric promoted, restoring functions of a brain and eliminating neurologic symptoms of an illness. In 4 weeks after introduction the number of cages with GABA receptors in periinfarktny area was much higher, than at animals of control group whom cages didn't enter. Besides, a part of donor cages экспрессировала a characteristic marker of neurons - microtubule-associated protein 2.
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