четверг, 19 апреля 2012 г.

Where are embryonic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are obtained by collecting embryos from women living in the early stages of pregnancy, which developed only 5-7 days. Isolation of embryonic stem cells invariably ends with the destruction of the embryo. On the one embryo can be obtained only 16-32 of embryonic stem cells. To get them in large quantities, you must have a large number of pregnant women, the donor of these cells. For these women, donor effects of abortion can lead to hormonal disturbances, the formation of cancerous tumors in the female organs, nervous disorders, etc. Therefore, at present, these embryonic stem cells are used very rarely and are expensive.
Embryonic stem cells - another kind of alleged human embryonic stem cells, which can be obtained either from medical errors or interrupted pregnancy to 3 months of embryonic development. Naturally, this diverse set of cells as has been the developing fetus, but not embryonic and adult cells from the surface of the uterus, and therefore nothing to do with embryonic stem cells have not, because here there is already differentiated nucleated cells. Just before it is thrown away, and now are selling the waste for fabulous sums. These stem cells can supposedly get much in large quantities and the price is much lower. After contact with these adult cells have another person in a particular tissue is immediately formed an immune response. Around that cells begin to form phagocytes and other cell structures of non-specific immunity, as well as the complement system, which must destroy the alien for the body cells. There is an inflammatory purulent process for the destruction of foreign cells. As a result, those alien to your body's cells are either destroyed by the immune system, or degenerate into cancer cells.

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