четверг, 19 апреля 2012 г.

Problems have been encountered with the use of embryonic stem cells (according to the American site)

A. It is difficult to differentiate into a homogeneous and / or homogeneous target tissue.
Author's comments:
Because embryonic stem cells are in the process of dividing the female egg, then in the absence of control from both sides of the egg (because it is destroyed), and on the part of the female body (as they are separated from the mother's body), the process of further differentiation is carried out randomly in contrast to the body, where they are constantly monitored vital systems at different levels (cellular, tissue, organ level and at the level of the whole organism).
Two. Problems with immunity - embryonic stem cells from random donors are likely to be rejected by the immune system after transplantation (the effect of Yushchenko).
Author's comments:
Despite the fact that embryonic stem cells have not yet differentiated, but if it enters the patient's body, they determined the host immune system as foreign and the immune system begins to destroy them. In place of embryonic stem cells enter the inflammatory process occurs. If these inputs are very much, such as the President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko (see photo), increases the amount of input place of embryonic stem cells, at first blush this place has arisen because of the inflammatory process, and then there are lots of types of acne ( derived degradation products of alien cells in the immune system), and then form pockmarks. As we see in the photo, lips, nose, chin, who have more sensitive skin, and general irritation to them fastest pimples arise, the V. Yushchenko have a natural color for a given age and they do not have pockmarks. At the same time on the skin, which is less sensitive, and which were injected embryonic stem cells have the largest pit, located in a specific order.

Three. Oncogenes - embryonic stem cells are capable of forming tumors or tumor formation in the future.
Author's comments:
If embryonic stem cells are not destroyed by the human immune system, the remaining cells develop on other genetic laws than the host cell. Indeed, embryonic cells must undergo another genetic pathway than cells of the host. For example, you enter the human embryonic stem cells in the 30-35 years of age. Cells that continue to function in the body are in the process of mature state, and embryonic - at the stage of the embryo. And between them all the time will be the difference in the genetic development of about 30-35 years + 9 months. Naturally, in accordance with my eight postulate of the human genome, between these cells is dysfunction, leading to the formation of cancer at some stage of genetic development of the organism.
4. The destruction of human life.
Author's comments:
A paradox - in order to save someone's life, we must destroy the other still life originated, as well as harm the mother's body. In terms of human morality and ethics - is blasphemy. Therefore, the Christian church, and all sensible people are protesting against such an approach to human lives.

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