понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.

Stem cells told about a mozaitsizm of a human genome

Biologists of Yale university showed that the somatic mozaitsizm is widespread much more widely, than was considered earlier. It appeared that a third of cells of skin of the person in DNA has deletsiya or repetitions. Work is published in the Nature magazine, and its summary is provided on a university site. To establish individual differences in DNA of cells of skin, scientists used equipment of receiving the induced stem cells (iPSC). This method allows to give to somatic cages ability beyond all bounds shares. The matter is that for definition of sequence (sekvenirovaniye) of DNA scientific it is required to have it in a set of copies as the sekvenirovaniye of individual molecules of nucleinic acids while is interfaced to exclusive technical difficulties.
Having created from individual cells of skin deckman, scientists could multiply them in culture. Thanks to it, authors received unlimited number of copies of cellular DNA and could establish its sequence in the usual way. It appeared that the number of cages, whose DNA differs from an initial general genome in skin of the person reaches 30 percent. It is unexpectedly high figure contradicts earlier recognized opinion that individual differences get only "unhealthy" - precancer and cancer cages. The found differences generally consisted in duplication or, on the contrary, cutting of a part of DNA. According to classical representations of biology of development, the sequence of DNA of each cage of a metaphyte should be identical. Distinctions which underlie dissimilarity of different cells of one person consist not in DNA, and in its regulation - not in what genes are present at a cage, and in what of them are included. Nevertheless, because of mistakes at DNA replkatsiya during individual development separate cages gain own genetic features. This phenomenon is called as a somatic mozaitsizm. For a method of receiving the induced stem cells which authors applied in this article, to John Gardon and Sinjya Yamanaka in 2012 the Nobel Prize on physiology and medicine was awarded.

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