понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.
Biologists found out a parentage of cells candelabrums
The American scientists from laboratory Kold Spring Harbor established a clonal parentage of cells candelabrums, the neurones of a cerebral cortex uniting to information from hundred "usual" neurones.
Cells candelabrums were open about 40 years ago. Their difference from usual neurones consists that they form contacts to many pyramidal cells. Because of a set of contacts which are visible at a staining, cells candelabrums and received the name.
One of pioneers of structure of DNA, Frensis Krik, put forward cells candelabrums on a role of integrators which control "simple" neurones of a cortex and if necessary "impose the veto" on exaltation diffusion between them. Nevertheless, it was till today unclear, these neurones are how formed.
Authors of new research showed that these cells are formed of earlier unknown zone of a fetal brain (a ventral germinal zone - VGZ). Also scientific it was possible to find out, what gene specifically is responsible for their development.
To track "destiny" of cells it was possible thanks to specific synthesis of fluorescent proteins and the subsequent analysis of sections.
Scientists notice that their research is of great importance for comprehension of how interaction between neurones from the point of view of hierarchy and spatial structure is organized. While on this subject neurobiologists know a little that is bound to extreme complexity of "disentangling" of structure of contacts of neurones.
Let's remind, earlier Chinese scientists studied the impulses going from a human brain, and transformed them to musical waves. As a result researchers came to a conclusion that music of reason is similar to the jazz.
понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.
Scientists learned to do cages deckman DNA without participation
Scientists developed a new method of transformation of cages in deckman DNA without use. Article with the description of technology is published in the Cell Stem Cell magazine. Briefly results of researchers are described by the The Scientist magazine.
Stem cells differ from "usual" subjects that are capable to develop on several ways. In other words, they can turn into various types of cages. The destiny of not stem cells is rigidly predetermined. As limiters certain updatings of DNA which stem cells don't have act.
In recent years scientists developed some ways of reprogramming of not stem cells. All of them demanded introduction in a cage of certain genes. Addition of an alien genetic material does techniques potentially dangerous as DNA can be built in a genome of a cage and cause serious violations of its work. The majority of techniques means DNA introduction by means of the special infectious agent, and it essentially increases probability of a vstroyka.
Authors of new research could turn фибробласты into plyuripotentny stem cells, without entering into their kernels of DNA. Researchers used "cocktail" from several transkriptsionny factors. This term the squirrels promoting reading of information from a certain site of a genome call. Proteins in a large number made genetically modified cages of an intestinal stick of Escherichia coli. Researchers allocated them, cleared and added in culture фибробластов - specialized cages of a connecting fabric.
In comparison with the technology, using infectious agents, efficiency of transformation was 10 times less - 0,006 percent against 0,067 percent. Nevertheless, the method has big prospects for use in medical practice. The safe way of receiving stem cells is necessary, for example, for cultivation of a healthy warm fabric instead of the damaged.
Cholesterol is necessary for brain development
Newspaper «our World»
Scientists from Carolinian institute proved that the component of cholesterol is necessary for formation of cells of the brain developing a dopamine.
The experiments which have been carried out on embryos of mice, showed that development of neurons depends on activation of a certain receptor by the oxidized form of cholesterol - oksisteroly. The cages developing a dopamine, are necessary for development of motor skills, work of system of compensation and dependence formation. They die off first of all at Parkinson's illness.
Scientists also showed that the embryonic stem cells which have been grown up in laboratory, under the influence of cholesterol become more probable dopaminovy neurons. The same influence allows to supervise development of stem cells.
Scientists expect to replace died-off cells of patients, growing up neurons in laboratory.
Responsible for a hair loss recognized stem cells
Stem cells told about a mozaitsizm of a human genome
Biologists of Yale university showed that the somatic mozaitsizm is widespread much more widely, than was considered earlier. It appeared that a third of cells of skin of the person in DNA has deletsiya or repetitions. Work is published in the Nature magazine, and its summary is provided on a university site.
To establish individual differences in DNA of cells of skin, scientists used equipment of receiving the induced stem cells (iPSC). This method allows to give to somatic cages ability beyond all bounds shares. The matter is that for definition of sequence (sekvenirovaniye) of DNA scientific it is required to have it in a set of copies as the sekvenirovaniye of individual molecules of nucleinic acids while is interfaced to exclusive technical difficulties.
Having created from individual cells of skin deckman, scientists could multiply them in culture. Thanks to it, authors received unlimited number of copies of cellular DNA and could establish its sequence in the usual way.
It appeared that the number of cages, whose DNA differs from an initial general genome in skin of the person reaches 30 percent. It is unexpectedly high figure contradicts earlier recognized opinion that individual differences get only "unhealthy" - precancer and cancer cages. The found differences generally consisted in duplication or, on the contrary, cutting of a part of DNA.
According to classical representations of biology of development, the sequence of DNA of each cage of a metaphyte should be identical. Distinctions which underlie dissimilarity of different cells of one person consist not in DNA, and in its regulation - not in what genes are present at a cage, and in what of them are included. Nevertheless, because of mistakes at DNA replkatsiya during individual development separate cages gain own genetic features. This phenomenon is called as a somatic mozaitsizm.
For a method of receiving the induced stem cells which authors applied in this article, to John Gardon and Sinjya Yamanaka in 2012 the Nobel Prize on physiology and medicine was awarded.
пятница, 2 ноября 2012 г.
The Austrian transplantologist advised to Ukraine to take bodies from all dead men, irrespective of a consent of relatives
The consent presumption — standard of the law on which each died person is considered the donor, regardless of a consent of relatives — can become a push of development of the Ukrainian transplantology.
To Ukraine suggest to allow posthumous donorship of the Photo of belarus-news.eu
The professor of the Vienna medical university Igor Guk in interview told that the state support is necessary for trasplantologiya development in Ukraine, and also changes in the legislation.
«In Austria quite progressive system of donorship, also allows to carry out a fence of bodies irrespective of a consent (or disagreement) relatives of the died person. That is the consent presumption is legislatively fixed. If the person against in case of death his bodies were taken for change, it has a right to declare it. Such information bring in the special register, and nobody has the rights to begin a body fence, without having convinced that the person didn't state during lifetime the disagreement to become the donor. Generally, in the Austrian society perception of transplantation positive» — the professor told.
- Ministry of Health suggests to allow posthumous donorship in Ukraine
«In the Ukrainian society, as far as I know, exist fears that such standard of the law (that is a consent presumption) the way to a fence of bodies at people who aren't potential donors will open. I heard, what the scandals connected by were that doctors suspected as if of illegal operations. After that at many ordinary people the organ transplantation associates with something dangerous, even the criminal. It, of course, very noticeably also was painfully designated on a situation in transplantation» — Guk noted.
The professor considers that for Ukraine the example of Belarus is indicative.
«The leaders of the neighboring country resolutely supported this branch, there passed the law on transplantation (in it there is a norm about a consent presumption), and literally for only a few years the Belarusian transplantologists escaped forward. And though the Ukrainian transplantologists carry out such operations at level of the best in the world, at level of the state of necessary support of the specified direction of modern medicine isn't present. And this with the fact that the population in Ukraine several times more than in Belarus. The second important point — the legislation favorable for development of transplantation. Now it, on the contrary, adverse» — he told.
«From conversations with the Ukrainian colleagues I know about tragic cases when literally in the face of the person who can be rescued an organ transplantation, and relatives died in accident perishes disagree, that from it took body. The Ukrainian society difficult overcomes a way to mercy. The European countries passed this way earlier» — the professor noted.
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