вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

Why use stem cells

Why use stem cells

First, stem cells are now generate a lot of topics for discussion. They repeatedly investigated for treatment of many diseases previously considered incurable. Many institutes in Russia, having a license, the stem cells used to treat a wide range of diseases. Also, stem cells are now popular in cosmetics, as used for rejuvenation and overall health improvement.
Where are stem cells?

The best source of stem cells is embryonic tissue. However, its use is unsafe. In addition, stem cells derived from embryos and fetuses have many drawbacks. Another issue - ethical.
However, stem cells can be isolated from other organs and tissues. The most popular among professionals sluggish brain and fat.
In what organs and tissues are stem cells?

Stem cells are found in almost all organs and tissues of the body: the skin, muscles, fat, intestine, nervous tissue, bone marrow, and even the retina. Are stem cells and embryos.

All stem cells are divided into embryonic and somatic, ie, cells of the adult organism. Embryonic stem cells used in practice for the treatment of many diseases, but now the whole world comes to the use of somatic stem cells, ie cells of the adult organism.
What are embryonic stem cells

Embryonic stem cells - stem cells isolated from early embryos (blastocyst stage or sex of the germ 5-week embryos) or teratocarcinoma (tumor lines) in vitro. They possess unique properties that distinguish them from other cells.

All the specialized cells of the adult organism are derived from embryonic stem cells. Stem cells - is the "emergency supply" of information embryogenesis, each stage of development is not programmed to automatically and depends on the microenvironment signals. All normal human organs and tissues retain the "relics" of the embryonic tissue in the form of insertions of stem cells.
Is it possible donor cells?

Yes. Donation sometimes - it's the only way to help people in situations where, for example, the cultivation of their cells do not have time. This can be a heart attack, stroke, and various accidents.
The donation is the only option for the treatment of various genetic defects, such as for treating diseases with impaired bone formation, with damage to specific genes. Transplantation of donor cells carrying the intact gene, obtained very good results.
The donor stem cells displayed a very old and debilitated people. But at the same donor's stem cells must be very well tested.

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