вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

The banks of stem cells, cord blood banks, cryobanks What is cord blood collected?

Umbilical cord blood is a unique source of stem cells that are important to the health of the child and his entire family. Umbilical cord blood is collected in the process of childbirth right after the baby is born and the umbilical cord clamped. The collection process takes about 5 minutes, ie, the collection poses no risk to mother and child. Existing techniques allow you to collect umbilical cord blood, as in the physiological delivery and for caesarean section. Umbilical cord blood collected immediately forwarded to the laboratory for processing and Cryobank cryopreservation.
What cryobank or stem cell bank?

Collected and processed stem cells are stored in a Cryobank (bankestvolovyh cells) in special containers at a constant temperature of -197 ° C. The practice of working with stem cells has shown that stem cells are stored frozen in a bank of stem cells for 15 years, thawed completely retain their properties. Thus, it is possible at any time to get ready to use their own stem cells for emergency treatment or preventive health improvement.

Today, there are already dozens of registered banks umbilical cord blood stem cells. When you select a Cryobank should pay attention to the presence of licenses by the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development on the application of new cellular technologies in health care.

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