вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

Stem cells - the approximate cost How much does a stem cell therapy?

Currently the cost of stem cell treatment in Russia is in the range 250 -300 000 rubles.

This high price is justified, because the cultivation of stem cells - the process of high-tech, and therefore very expensive. Clinics offering stem cells at a lower price, do not have to do with cell biology, they introduce their customers a completely unknown drugs.

Most medical centers for the money injected 100 million cells per course, but there are those who impose the cost for this 100 million stem cells per procedure. The number of stem cells for the procedure, as well as the number of procedures need to be discussed with your doctor, as older than the man, the more it needs stem cells. If a young girl blossoming to maintain the tone enough about 20-30 million cells, the dog-sick lady of retirement age may not be enough, and 200 million.

Typically, this amount does not include procedures for obtaining stem cells, such as a fence of fat.

Clinics and institutions who have treated allogeneic (ie, strangers) stem cells, argue that the treatment of such stem cells will cost 10 percent less than their own.

If stem cells are introduced surgically, an operation that is carried out, would have to pay separately for the operation.

Mesotherapy stem cells will be much cheaper. The cost of one treatment of mesotherapy in a Moscow clinic - from 18 000 to 30 000. Overall, the rate is from 5 to 10 sessions of mesotherapy.

The banks of stem cells, cord blood banks, cryobanks What is cord blood collected?

Umbilical cord blood is a unique source of stem cells that are important to the health of the child and his entire family. Umbilical cord blood is collected in the process of childbirth right after the baby is born and the umbilical cord clamped. The collection process takes about 5 minutes, ie, the collection poses no risk to mother and child. Existing techniques allow you to collect umbilical cord blood, as in the physiological delivery and for caesarean section. Umbilical cord blood collected immediately forwarded to the laboratory for processing and Cryobank cryopreservation.
What cryobank or stem cell bank?

Collected and processed stem cells are stored in a Cryobank (bankestvolovyh cells) in special containers at a constant temperature of -197 ° C. The practice of working with stem cells has shown that stem cells are stored frozen in a bank of stem cells for 15 years, thawed completely retain their properties. Thus, it is possible at any time to get ready to use their own stem cells for emergency treatment or preventive health improvement.

Today, there are already dozens of registered banks umbilical cord blood stem cells. When you select a Cryobank should pay attention to the presence of licenses by the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development on the application of new cellular technologies in health care.

Why use stem cells

Why use stem cells

First, stem cells are now generate a lot of topics for discussion. They repeatedly investigated for treatment of many diseases previously considered incurable. Many institutes in Russia, having a license, the stem cells used to treat a wide range of diseases. Also, stem cells are now popular in cosmetics, as used for rejuvenation and overall health improvement.
Where are stem cells?

The best source of stem cells is embryonic tissue. However, its use is unsafe. In addition, stem cells derived from embryos and fetuses have many drawbacks. Another issue - ethical.
However, stem cells can be isolated from other organs and tissues. The most popular among professionals sluggish brain and fat.
In what organs and tissues are stem cells?

Stem cells are found in almost all organs and tissues of the body: the skin, muscles, fat, intestine, nervous tissue, bone marrow, and even the retina. Are stem cells and embryos.

All stem cells are divided into embryonic and somatic, ie, cells of the adult organism. Embryonic stem cells used in practice for the treatment of many diseases, but now the whole world comes to the use of somatic stem cells, ie cells of the adult organism.
What are embryonic stem cells

Embryonic stem cells - stem cells isolated from early embryos (blastocyst stage or sex of the germ 5-week embryos) or teratocarcinoma (tumor lines) in vitro. They possess unique properties that distinguish them from other cells.

All the specialized cells of the adult organism are derived from embryonic stem cells. Stem cells - is the "emergency supply" of information embryogenesis, each stage of development is not programmed to automatically and depends on the microenvironment signals. All normal human organs and tissues retain the "relics" of the embryonic tissue in the form of insertions of stem cells.
Is it possible donor cells?

Yes. Donation sometimes - it's the only way to help people in situations where, for example, the cultivation of their cells do not have time. This can be a heart attack, stroke, and various accidents.
The donation is the only option for the treatment of various genetic defects, such as for treating diseases with impaired bone formation, with damage to specific genes. Transplantation of donor cells carrying the intact gene, obtained very good results.
The donor stem cells displayed a very old and debilitated people. But at the same donor's stem cells must be very well tested.

What are stem cells

The concept of "stem cells" first appeared in Russia at the beginning of the last century. A.A.Maksimov pathologist studying the process of hematopoiesis, came to the conclusion that they exist. What are these cells and what are their distinguishing features?

Stem cells can give rise to any cells in the body - and the skin, and nerve and blood cells.

Stem cells can be isolated and grown in tissue culture. The ability to provide a wide variety of cell types of stem cells makes an important reserve for reducing the body, which is used to fill defects arising due to various circumstances.

Stem cells can transform into cells of all types of tissue: blood cells, internal organs, muscle and bone tissue, skin, neurons, etc. In the early stages of its development, the human body is almost entirely composed of stem cells, which gradually acquire specialization, that is, from They form the organs and tissues of the body. Thus, stem cells are, first, a kind of building material of the body. Also, they take a direct part in the regenerative processes in the body and may slow the aging process. Because of the ability to transform into cells of all organs and tissues of the stem cells play the role of "first aid": If the problem somewhere in the body, stem cells are sent back and replace lost due to disease or damage to the cell body regains its function. With age, the number of stem cells is reduced, and the regenerative potential of the body are reduced.

The use of stem cells to treat and prevent a wide range of diseases has led to active development of cellular technology. Medicine does not stand still, and soon many diseases, especially considered incurable, can be cured with stem cells.

Stem cells are used for different purposes, the main of which - this treatment and cosmetology.

In order to use stem cells in these and other purposes established clinics and medical centers in Russia and abroad. But we must remember that not all of these clinics and medical centers are licensed to use stem cells.

Umbilical cord blood - a valuable source of stem cells. Umbilical cord blood is collected in sterile conditions and stored in special banks of stem cells (cryobanks), making it easier and faster to obtain stem cells.

What diseases are treated with stem cells

Stem cells are treated, even when other treatments are powerless. There are currently many methods of stem cells for the treatment of various diseases. That's not a complete list of diseases that stem cell therapy is very successful.
Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system:
rehabilitation after stroke and traumatic brain injury
consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Acute and transient ischemic attacks
injury of the brain and spinal cord and their implications
paralysis and its consequences
multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Alzheimer disease
Raynaud's disease, Raynaud's syndrome
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
peripheral neuropathies of various origins
sleep disorders
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
cerebral palsy (CP)
mental retardation (mental retardation)
not genetically caused mental retardation
effects of meningitis
neonatal hypoxia
posthypoxic encephalopathy
bulbar syndrome
alternating syndromes
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
cerebral infarction
cerebral ischemia
tuberous sclerosis
Vascular Diseases:
limb ischemia
predgangrena (critical limb ischemia)
Skin diseases:
cosmetic defects of the skin
burns, ulcers and scarring of the skin
the effects of trauma and burns
atopic dermatitis
Eye diseases:
tapetoretinalnoy dystrophy
atrophy of the optic nerves
eye injuries
eye burns
Endocrine disorders:
Type II diabetes
consequences of diabetes first and second type
Autoimmune diseases:
lupus erythematosus
Crohn's disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
autoimmune glomerulonephritis
Diseases of the cardiovascular system:
myocardial infarction in the acute phase and subsequent rehabilitation
long flowing ischemic heart disease, accompanied by degeneration of cardiomyocytes and cardiosclerosis
heart failure
myocardiodystrophy of various origins
hypertension with retinopathy, atherosclerosis of the aorta and cerebral vessels
ischemic heart disease
cerebral infarction
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
degenerative changes in joints
hip dysplasia
injury, the effects of trauma
muscular dystrophy
Immunodeficiency states:
immune system disorders in women with a complicated course of menopause
secondary immunodeficiencies of various etiologies
immunodeficiency after chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer
Diseases of the blood:
anemia associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
peptic ulcer (ulcer), gastric and duodenal ulcers
colitis of various etiology
dyskinesia of the intestine and biliary tract
Crohn's disease
predtsirroticheskie state
consequences of hepatitis B and C
chronic active hepatitis
acute hepatitis in the presence of severe jaundice and hepatocellular insufficiency
chronic hepatocellular failure
hepatic coma and precoma
Diseases of the genitourinary areas:
reproductive disorders in men and women
violation of potency
ovarian dysfunction
In dentistry:
severe periodontitis
generalized periodontitis
patchy osteoporosis
In Geriatrics:
prevention of premature aging
rejuvenation of the body

Rehabilitation and recovery after chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer

Rehabilitation and recovery after chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer

The technique of treatment of cancer (cancer) stem cells only learn so specifically for the treatment of cancer they have not yet used.

Stem cells are needed for cancer patients to restore the immune system and overall revitalization after surgery or chemotherapy and other anticancer drugs.

Stem cells in this case, stimulate growth and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells along the path of normalization of the immune system. This includes a normalization of the stimulation of antigen-presenting cells, activation of cellular immunity, an increase in antibody and other protein products of immune cells, etc. The productivity of this approach is confirmed now by the example of many oncology (cancer) patients after successful immunocorrection.

Stem cells restore not only immunity, but the whole body is affected by the ravages of chemotherapy after cancer diseases (cancer). With the introduction of stem cells in the body is weakened oncology dual effect: first, the newly arrived cells themselves begin to work intensively regenerating and revitalizing damaged by chemotherapy organs and tissues, and secondly, they launch mechanism to enhance the already existing stem cells in the body .
Prevention of cancer

Widespread use of stem cell therapy is in the area of ​​oncology, as prevention of cancer (cancer). Identification of the genetic and immune susceptibility to benign and malignant tumors (exhaustion and reduced antitumor immunity) allows to start the prevention of cancer (cancer). Also, stem cell therapy can achieve a significant improvement in the health of patients after chemotherapy.

Thus, the stem cells help the body cope with cancer (cancer) and serve as prevention of cancer.

Raising, strengthening and restoration of immunity

With the help of stem cells can significantly increase the body's immunity.

If a person gets sick a lot and for a long time, suffered an infection, a serious operation, chemotherapy, his body must be restored. To restore and strengthen the immune system uses stem cells, which are better than any dietary supplements and injections iimunomodulyatorov improve, enhance and restore the immune system.

Stem cells not only restore the entire immune system, but also simultaneously update all of the hormonal, endocrine system, greatly improving the metabolism.

When injected into the body of stem cells is a double effect: first, the newly arrived cells themselves begin to work intensively regenerating and revitalizing aging tissues and organs responsible for immune defenses, and secondly, they launch mechanism to enhance the already existing organism of stem cells.

After the injection of stem cells to improve immunity, patients may experience increased vitality, a burst of energy. Improves the ability to concentrate, visual thinking. Significantly reduced manifestations of depression, normal sleep and appetite. Increase immunity, as well as the restoration of immunity does not occur immediately, as the changes occur at the cellular level and are not always visible.

Stem cell therapy is used not only to enhance the immune system, but also to enhance the vitality, memory rehabilitation, prolonging life and radically improve its quality.



Revitalization - is the newest method of rejuvenation with stem cells, are not to be changing the aging and damaged organs without the use of drugs and surgery to update and rejuvenate their cellular composition.

Word of revitalization (from the Latin «vita» - life) literally interpreted as the return of life.

According to American researchers, the age at which people can be perfectly healthy, is 44 years for women (with average life expectancy of 78.8 years) and 40 years for men (with an average life expectancy 72.6 years). That is, 32 - 35 years each last the average person suffers from a physical infirmity fading life. As shown by research, the aging process begins with 30 years of age. The intense pace of modern life, and stress taken away a lot of energy and thus exacerbate the aging process. For those who want to meet the rate of time and still feel and look young, it is possible to rejuvenate the natural way, without using chemicals. Revitalization stimulates cell regeneration, restores the supply of cell nutrients, improves metabolism, reduces stress and fatigue.

Revitalization is designed to inhibition of the aging process and restore the whole body to the former, a young and biologically active functional level.

Further introduction into the body of stem cells is a double effect: first, the newly arrived cells themselves begin to work intensively regenerating and revitalizing aging organs and tissues, and secondly, they start mechanism to the rejuvenation and revitalization of existing stem cells in the body .

Revitalization is very effective, but it does not give immediate externality. First, the work is regulated by the endocrine system, kidneys, liver and other organs, ie there is a restoration of general body functions. And only then correct the activity of internal organs provides a beautiful, healthy appearance, good mood and sexual activity.

The method of stem cell therapy helps revitalize the entire body. Revitalization means improving the capacity of life, increased activity, stabilization of mental state, strengthening the overall resilience of the body. Studies show that the anti-aging therapy should be treated not only at the stage of a long and progressive disease, and at a young age - 30 years and even earlier. In this case, stem cell therapy has a prophylactic effect. At the age of patients, even those over 80, the process of rejuvenation is more than obvious: overcome long-standing symptoms of disease, improves appearance.

Facial rejuvenation, skin rejuvenation

The skin requires careful treatment and careful maintenance. Since ancient times, people have devised various means to rejuvenate the skin, not only to improve its condition and appearance, but also to prolong youth. But only the discovery of stem cells helped the cosmetologists to really solve the problem of aging and learn new methods of facial rejuvenation. Unique tools in the fight against wrinkles are mesotherapy, as well as masks and creams based on stem cells.

Mesotherapy - the injection is a technique which consists of a multiple, very superficial injections. Usually held the course of mesotherapy, consisting of 5 - 10 treatments. Through the use of mesotherapy skin is smoothed in a natural way - skin rejuvenation takes place without any surgical and medical intervention! The first effect of rejuvenation of the face becomes visible after a few days and persists for an extended period of time.

The appearance of a person affected by:
age-related changes

Human skin consists of two main components: a surface layer - the epidermis and the deeper layer - the dermis. The appearance of the skin, as well as the implementation of its vital processes of renewal and healing, depends mainly on the activity of cells that are part of the dermis.
Stem cells regenerate, rejuvenate the skin and above all their constituent fibroblasts. The result is facial rejuvenation with stem cells:
lifting effect appears
improved tone, hydration and skin color
disappears acne
skin texture changes
pigmentation fades

Once in the dermis, the stem cells stimulate cell proliferation and fibrogenesis, leading to the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers and strengthen the framework of the dermis, the restoration of microcirculation and promote metabolism.
Indications for use of stem cells to rejuvenate and restore the skin:
decreased tone of the skin (the deterioration of turgor and elasticity)
wrinkles (small, medium and deep)
rosacea (vasodilatation)
Acne and post acne (cosmetic effects of acne, acne)
scars on the skin
stagnant spots
dryness and peeling
deterioration of color
problem skin
recovery after various surgical interventions.

As a result of the introduction of stem cells into the bloodstream at the same time, and problem areas, such as face, neck and décolleté (mesotherapy) is:
receipt of the circulating blood into the body of additional stem cells;
stimulation of existing in an organization, especially in the skin stem cells
the emergence of new cells, their increased reproduction and replacement of old and damaged cells
reprogramming of the memory cells of the aging of the skin of his youth, thus increasing their metabolism, increases the concentration of water and nutrients within the cell.

The result is a radical rejuvenation of the skin and body. Skin becomes young, shiny, elastic and gets healthy color. The duration and severity of the effect of the use of stem cells depends on the initial state of the human body and its individual characteristics.

Rejuvenation and restoration of the body with stem cells

Rejuvenation and restoration of the body with stem cells

Rejuvenation and restoration of the body - a promising field of application of stem cells.

Stem cells used to restore the human body. With age, cell regeneration is reduced, so the body does not have time to fully updated, and the constant fight against disease and external factors, further accelerating wear and decay of the body. Therefore, to rejuvenate and restore the body uses the introduction of stem cells. The procedure is called revitalization.

Introduced into the body stem cells secrete active substances (growth factors, tsitominy and others), have a contact effect on the surrounding cells, fuse with the damaged cells, and that is the most important are differentiated by the type of damaged cells. Thus dostigatsya effect recovery of the body that is used to enhance, restore and strengthen the immune system, as well as for the rehabilitation of cancer patients after chemotherapy.

Using stem cells to rejuvenate the skin improves skin condition, it enhances blood circulation, eliminates wrinkles. Getting into the skin, stem cells are capable of a long delay the aging process and contribute to the rejuvenation of the organism as a whole. If you made not only local but also the general procedure using stem cells, stem cells act not only beauty, but also on health, as carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, providing heals and regenerating effect.

Rejuvenating effect on skin stem cells is widely used in medical and aesthetic care. Read more about it - in the appropriate section of the site.