Palpitation, breath, temperature mode and appetite – is responsible for these vital functions a trunk of a brain which is on a site between a spinal cord and cerebral hemispheres. As a result of a craniocereberal trauma (including at childbirth) or after the ignored concussion the neurologist or the osteostalemate – can diagnose for the child or for the adult patient such violation as dysfunction of stem structures of a brain.
The term dysfunction of a trunk of a brain testifies to problems in work of this department, and consequences can be the most unpleasant. To reveal deviations at early stages, follows in the first weeks after the birth of the kid or right after an injury of the head to seem to an osteostalemate. The last will be able quickly to reveal violations and to offer the individual scheme of treatment. Dysfunction of a trunk of a brain – reversible violation which can be eliminated literally for some sessions thanks to restoration of a full-fledged blood-groove and natural mobility of brain structures.
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