пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

Stem cells are the next generation

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin), USA, found a new way to turn human skin cells into stem cells without using viruses or exotic genes. team of researchers led by James Thomson (James Thomson) has created stem cells, using plasmids - circular DNA molecule which carries the genes necessary for the transformation of skin cells into stem cells. After a while plasmid disappears from the cell population in a natural way. This is unlike the previously used methodology, reports Reuters. biotechnologists previously received stem cells from normal human cells using viruses as a "vehicle" for delivering genes into the cell needed to reprogram it. However, there exist risks: viruses can insert into the cell's genetic material harmful genes and disrupt the function of genes necessary. There was also another way: the stem cells extracted from embryos of age in a few days. new technique allows to obtain the stem cells of the unique qualities that can be used to develop cures for various diseases. In addition, the ethical problems will disappear, because stem cells can be produced without the need to destroy a human embryo. Recall that the stem cells - a primary, unspecialized cells that can form any of the 350 tissues. In the adult human stem cells are located mainly in the bone marrow and in small amounts in all organs and tissues. If you violate in any organ, they find the area of damage and compensate for lost function. This property of stem cells makes them the main object of study of regenerative medicine. In January, British scientists have begun an experiment to test therapies using stem cells in stroke patients. Doctors will make the subject patients to the injection into the brain of embryonic stem cells. It is expected that stem cells can renew themselves, will repair damaged as a result of stroke, a brain region that will improve the mental and motor skills of patients.

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