воскресенье, 23 декабря 2012 г.
Blood types arose for protection against viruses
As scientists from University of Bath believe, the person could get the enzymes defining a blood type, at bacteria – they were necessary to interfere with distribution of viruses to populations.
Erythrocytes in blood of the person are covered with carbohydrate structures which call gliko-anti-genes. The phenotype of these anti-genes determines a blood type by AB0 system. A-positive people have the antibodies resisting to gliko-anti-genes of group B, B-positive have anti-And and anti-0, 0-positive – anti-A and anti-B. These antibodies don't exist at the beginning of organism formation, and appear with intestinal bacteria which make eritrotsitarny anti-genes. Viruses in a cover bear part of a membrane of a cage owner which contains anti-genes of blood types. As a result, if the virus arrives from an A-positive organism in B-or 0-positive, the immune system kills him etc.
Gliko-antigena consist of groups of enzymes – гликозилтрансфераз. Scientists investigated three-dimensional structure of a molecule гликозилтрансферазы from an intestinal bacterium of Bacteroides ovatus. It appeared that it has the structure similar with maternal, though possesses functional differences (its working capacity doesn't depend on ions). They show that maternal enzyme could occur from bacterial as a result of a horizontal transfer of genes (passing a specific barrier), instead of by vertical (from generation to generation).
It is supposed that genes of bacterial enzyme were introduced in an organism of the ancestor of modern vertebrata, and from them there was an enzyme of the person as a security measure from viruses. Article with this conclusion is published by scientists in the Scientific Reports magazine.
Scientists learned not to start up HIV in immune system
tratScientists from Barcelona defined the mechanism of peneion of HIV in immune system. Besides, they managed to block this "entrance" and to prevent virus distribution, writes La Vanguardia.
Today while it is difficult to imagine opening potential, but it is possible to hope that in 10 years the medicine blocking transfer to HIV in a human body will be developed, notes the edition.
Earlier it was found out that HIV is capable to hide in the cages dendrites protecting immune system, and through them to infect lymphatic fabric. Now Barcelonian scientists described a molecule of dendrites which serves as "entrance" in a cage.
Opening in the future can lead to development of a preparation for HIV treatment at early stages or even protection from it. According to scientists, theoretically this mechanism is useful and for prevention of transfer of other viruses — for example, htlv-1, the causative agent of leukemia.
вторник, 4 декабря 2012 г.
Stem cells used for a medicine assessment
Researchers from Jones Hopkins's University reported about concrete steps on a way of use of stem cells for studying of action of drugs on cells of a sick organism, reports Science Daily.
The work described in the last number Nature Biotechnology, began a few years ago with studying of possibility of testing of experimental preparations on the specialized sick cells which have been grown up from induced plyuripotentny stem cells (iPSCs). Gabsan Li (Gabsang Lee) with colleagues then was withdrawn by skin cells from the person with an infrequent genetic disease, Riley-Day's syndrome. The choice of this disease was bound to that it affects only one type of nervous cells, to allocate which a traditional biopsy it is almost impossible.
In experiments on verification of the concept scientists by means of known biochemical factors (they are called as Yamanaka's factors) reprogrammed skin cells in the induced plyuripotentny stem cells, capable to turn into cells of different specialization, and received from them nervous cells.
"We can't study nervous cells directly, but this approach allowed us to see for the first time what exactly occurs at disease development", - Whether speaks.
One of symptoms of a syndrome of Riley-Day - the lowered painful sensitivity, till 30 years lives only a half of patients.
Whether in recent research with colleagues from Memorial hospital Sloan Kettering used the same laboratorno grown-up nervous cells of a syndrome of Riley-Day for screening of seven thousand preparations. By means of the robot programmed on the analysis of their effect, scientists managed to identify quickly eight bonds for the subsequent testing, and only one - SKF-86466 - showed undoubted ability to stop or turn a course of a disease at cellular level.
As Gabsan Li explained, clinical tests of SKF-86466 are impossible because of small number of patients with Riley-Day's syndrome in the world, but instead of this bond it is possible to use very similar preparation allowed for use on other indications.
Nanoconveyors of drugs in cancer cells are created in Russia
The molecule, capable to deliver drugs in the core of a cell, including affected by cancer process, is developed in Russia, is spoken in the report of the director of Institute of biology of a gene of the Russian Academy of Sciences of academician George Georgiyev and the head of the laboratory of molecular genetics of intracellular transport Alexander Sobolev.
Such "supplier" does treatment at least one thousand times more effective in comparison with usual therapy, transfers ITAR-TASS.
"As a serious call for those who frames specific and effective remedies of treatment, the paradoxical situation serves. It is at the same time necessary to use so-called superficial molecular markers to provide cellular specificity of medicine whereas achievement of maximum efficiency demands medicine delivery in a cell, in its certain part", - Alexander Sobolev told. For anticancerogenic agents such delivery has to be carried out usually immediately in a core, the scientist specified. But for this purpose it is necessary to frame a certain transport of medicine in the right place, uniting to two inconsistent demand. "We developed the modular nanoconveyors (MNT), allowing to achieve it", - Sobolev noted.
For this purpose from different natural molecules separate modules were taken and bridged in himerny, speaking to words of scientists, artificial protein about 10 nanometers in size. It also is MNT, and all modules keep the functions in its structure.
MNT after intravenous administration collect mainly in tumoral cells, and in them – mainly in cores. Besides, these conveyors are a little toxic and almost immunogens. Thanks to it drugs for photodynamic therapy of a cancer – so-called photosensitinogens (FS), – delivered by the nanoconveyor in cancer cells, appear by 1000-3000 times more effective in comparison with free FS.
So, for example, therapy of the epidermoid carcinoma of the person inoculated to mice with application of MNT causes an appreciable growth inhibition of a tumor and provides survival of 75% of mice with tumors while usual, free FS yields result only in 20%.
Similar results were received and when using other antitumoral preparations.
"High efficiency of therapy with application of various MNT allows to raise a question of possibility of application of conveyors of this sort for treatment of malignant neoplasms in clinic", - researchers emphasized.
Now preclinical tests of MNT come to the end.
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